Early in the morning

(ορθρου). Genitive of time, ορθρος meaning daybreak, old word, not in John, though in Luke 24:1; Acts 5:21. John uses πρω (John 18:28; John 20:1; John 21:4).He came again into the temple

(παλιν παρεγενετο εις το ιερον). If the paragraph is genuine, the time is the next day after the eighth and last day of the feast. If not genuine, there is no way of telling the time of this apparently true incident.And all the people came unto him

(κα πας ο λαος ηρχετο προς αυτον). Imperfect middle of ερχομα picturing the enthusiasm of the whole (πας) crowd now as opposed to the divisions in chapter 7.Taught

(εδιδασκεν). Imperfect active of διδασκω. He took his seat (καθισας, ingressive active participle of καθιζω) as was customary for Jesus and began to teach (inchoative imperfect). So the picture.

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Old Testament