The scribes and the Pharisees

(ο γραμματεις κα ο Φαρισαιο). John does not mention "scribes," though this combination (note two articles) is common enough in the Synoptics (Luke 5:30; Luke 6:7, etc.).Bring

(αγουσιν). Vivid dramatic present active indicative of αγω. Dods calls this "in itself an unlawful thing to do" since they had a court for the trial of such a case. Their purpose is to entrap Jesus.Taken in adultery

(επ μοιχεια κατειλεμμενην). Perfect passive participle of καταλαμβανω, old compound to seize (Mark 9:18), to catch, to overtake (John 12:35), to overcome (or overtake) in John 1:5.Having let her in the midst

(στησαντες αυτην εν μεσω). First aorist active (transitive) participle of ιστημ. Here all could see her and what Jesus did with such a case. They knew his proneness to forgive sinners.

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Old Testament