But now

(νυν δε). Clear statement that they are not doing "the works of Abraham" in seeking to kill him. See this use of νυν δε after a condition of second class without αν in John 16:22; John 16:24.This did not Abraham

(τουτο Αβρααμ ουκ εποιησεν). Blunt and pointed of their unlikeness to Abraham.A man that hath told you the truth

(ανθρωπον ος τεν αληθειαν υμιν λελαληκα). Ανθρωπον (here=person, one) is accusative case in apposition withme

(με) just before. The perfect active indicative λελαληκα from λαλεω is in the first person singular because the relative ος has the person of με, an idiom not retained in the Englishthat hath

(that have or who have) though it is retained in the English of 1 Corinthians 15:9 "that am" for ος ειμ.Which I heard from God

(ην ηκουσα παρα του θεου). Here we have "I" in the English. "God" here is equal to "My Father" in verse John 8:38. The only crime of Jesus is telling the truth directly from God.

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Old Testament