Went out

(εξηρχοντο). Inchoative imperfect. Graphic picture.One by one

(εις καθ' εις). Not a Johannine phrase, but in Mark 14:19 where also the second nominative is retained as if καθ' (κατα) is regarded as a mere adverb and not as a preposition.Beginning from the eldest

(αρξαμενο απο των πρεσβυτερων). "From the elder (comparative form, common in Koine as superlative) men," as was natural for they had more sins of this sort which they recalled. "They are summoned to judge themselves rather than the woman" (Dods).Was left alone

(κατελειφθη μονος). First aorist effective passive indicative of καταλειπω, to leave behind, with predicate nominative μονος. "Jesus was left behind alone."And the woman, where she was, in the midst

(κα η γυνη εν μεσω ουσα). The woman was left behind also "being in the midst" as they had placed her (verse John 8:3) before they were conscience stricken and left.

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Old Testament