Lord, I believe

(Πιστευω, κυριε). Κυριε here = Lord (reverence, no longer respect as in John 9:36). A short creed, but to the point.And he worshipped him

(κα προσεκυνησεν αυτω). Ingressive first aorist active indicative of προσκυνεω, old verb to fall down in reverence, to worship. Sometimes of men (Matthew 18:26). In John (see John 4:20) this verb "is always used to express divine worship" (Bernard). It is tragic to hear men today deny that Jesus should be worshipped. He accepted worship from this new convert as he later did from Thomas who called him "God" (John 20:28). Peter (Acts 10:25) refused worship from Cornelius as Paul and Barnabas did at Lystra (Acts 14:18), but Jesus made no protest here.

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Old Testament