Hidden rocks

(σπιλαδες). Old word for rocks in the sea (covered by the water), as in Homer, here only in N.T. 2 Peter 2:13 has σπιλο.Love-feasts

(αγαπαις). Undoubtedly the correct text here, though A C have απαταις as in 2 Peter 2:14. For disorder at the Lord's Supper (and love-feasts?) see 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. The Gnostics made it worse, so that the love-feasts were discontinued.When they feast with you

(συνευωχουμενο). See 2 Peter 2:13 for this very word and form. Masculine gender with ουτο ο rather than with the feminine σπιλαδες. Cf. Revelation 11:4. Construction according to sense.Shepherds that feed themselves

(εαυτους ποιμαινοντες). "Shepherding themselves." Cf. Revelation 7:17 for this use of ποιμαινω. Clouds without water (νεφελα ανυδρο). Νεφελη common word for cloud (Matthew 24:30). 2 Peter 2:17 has πηγα ανυδρο (springs without water) and then ομιχλα (mists) and ελαυνομενα (driven) rather than περιφερομενα here (borne around, whirled around, present passive participle of περιφερω to bear around), a powerful picture of disappointed hopes.Autumn trees

(δενδρα φθινοπωρινα). Late adjective (Aristotle, Polybius, Strabo) from φθινω, to waste away, and οπωρα, autumn, here only in N.T. For ακαρπα (without fruit) see 2 Peter 1:8.Twice dead

(δις αποθανοντα). Second aorist active participle of αποθνησκω. Fruitless and having died. Having died and also "uprooted" (εκριζωθεντα). First aorist passive participle of εκριζοω, late compound, to root out, to pluck up by the roots, as in Matthew 13:29.

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Old Testament