They who make separations

(ο αποδιοριζοντες). Present active articular participle of the double compound αποδιοριζω (from απο, δια, οριζω, ορος, boundary, to make a horizon), rare word, in Aristotle for making logical distinctions, here only in N.T. Διοριζω occurs in Leviticus 20:24 and αφοριζω in Matthew 25:32, etc. See αιρεσεις in 2 Peter 2:1.Sensual

(ψυχικο). Old adjective from ψυχη as in 1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 15:44; James 3:15. Opposed to πνευματικος. Not used by Peter.Having not the Spirit

(πνευμα μη εχοντες). Usual negative μη with the participle (present active of εχω). Probably πνευμα here means the Holy Spirit, as is plain in verse Jude 1:20. Cf. Romans 8:9.

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Old Testament