Luke 1:1

FORASMUCH AS (επειδηπερ). Here alone in the N.T., though common in literary Attic. Appears in the papyri. A triple compound (επε = since, δη = admittedly true, περ = intensive particle to emphasize importance).MANY (πολλο). How many no one knows, but certainly more than two or three. We know th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:2

EVEN AS (καθως). This particle was condemned by the Atticists though occurring occasionally from Aristotle on. It is in the papyri. Luke asserts that the previous narratives had their sound basis.DELIVERED UNTO US (παρεδωσαν ημιν). Second aorist active indicative of παραδιδωμ. Luke received thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:3

IT SEEMED GOOD TO ME ALSO (εδοξε καμο). A natural conclusion and justification of Luke's decision to write his narrative. They had ample reason to draw up their narratives. Luke has more reason to do so because of his fuller knowledge and wider scope.HAVING TRACED THE COURSE OF ALL THINGS (παρηκ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:4

MIGHTEST KNOW (επιγνωις). Second aorist active subjunctive of επιγινωσκω. Full knowledge (επ-), in addition to what he already has.THE CERTAINTY (την ασφαλειαν). Make no slip (σφαλλω, to totter or fall, and α privative). Luke promises a reliable narrative. "Theophilus shall know that the faith... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:5

THERE WAS (εγενετο). Not the usual εν for "was," but there arose or came into notice. With this verse the literary _Koine_ of verses 1 to 4 disappears. To the end of chapter 2 we have the most Hebraistic (Aramaic) passage in Luke's writings, due evidently to the use of documents or notes of oral t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:6

RIGHTEOUS BEFORE GOD (δικαιο εναντιον του θεου). Old Testament conception and idiom. Cf. Luke 2:25 about Simeon. Expanded in Old Testament language. Picture of "noblest product of Old Testament education" (Ragg) is Zacharias and Elisabeth, Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Anna who were "privileged to... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:7

BECAUSE THAT (καθοτ). Good Attic word, according to what. Only in Luke and Acts in the N.T. In the papyri.WELL STRICKEN IN YEARS (προβεβηκοτες εν ταις ημεραις αυτων). Wycliff has it right: "Had gone far in their days." Perfect active participle. See also verse Luke 1:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:8

WHILE HE EXECUTED THE PRIEST'S OFFICE (εν τω ιερατευειν αυτον). A favourite idiom in Luke, εν with the articular infinitive and the accusative of general reference where the genitive absolute could have been used or a temporal conjunction and finite verb. It is proper Greek, but occurs often in t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:9

HIS LOT WAS (ελαχε). Literally,HE OBTAINED THE LOT . Second aorist active indicative of λαγχανω, to obtain by lot, a very old verb from Homer on. It is used either with the genitive as here, or the accusative as in Acts 1:17; 2 Peter 1:1. Papyri show examples with the accusative. It was only onc... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:10

WERE PRAYING WITHOUT (ην προσευχομενον εξω). Periphrastic imperfect indicative picturing the posture of the people while the clouds of incense rose on the inside of the sanctuary.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:11

APPEARED (ωφθη). First aorist passive indicative. It is the form used by Paul of the resurrection appearances of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:5-8). There is no use in trying to explain away the reality of the angel. We must choose between admitting an objective appearance and a myth (Plummer).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:13

IS HEARD (εισηκουσθη). First aorist passive indicative. A sort of timeless aorist, "was heard" when made, and so "is heard" now. Probably the prayer was for a son in spite of the great age of Elisabeth, though the Messianic redemption is possible also.JOHN (Ιωανην). The word means that God is gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:14

GLADNESS (αγαλλιασις). Only in the LXX and N.T. so far as known. A word for extreme exultation.REJOICE (χαρησοντα). Second future passive indicative. The coming of a prophet will indeed be an occasion for rejoicing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:15

STRONG DRINK (σικερα). A Hebrew word transliterated into Greek, an intoxicating drink. Here only in the N.T. John was to be a personal "dry" or Nazarite (Numbers 6:3).SHALL NOT DRINK (ου μη πιη). Strong prohibition, double negative and second aorist subjunctive.THE HOLY GHOST (πνευματος αγιου... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:17

BEFORE HIS FACE (ενωπιον αυτου). Not in the ancient Greek, but common in the papyri as in LXX and N.T. It is a vernacular _Koine_ word, adverb used as preposition from adjective ενωπιος, and that from ο εν ωπ ων (the one who is in sight).AUTOU here seems to be "the Lord their God" in verse Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:18

WHEREBY (κατα τ). According to what. It was too good to be true and Zacharias demanded proof and gives the reason (for, γαρ) for his doubt. He had prayed for this blessing and was now sceptical like the disciples in the house of Mary about the return of Peter (Acts 12:14).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:19

GABRIEL (Γαβριηλ). The Man of God (Daniel 8:6; Daniel 9:21). The other angel whose name is given in Scripture is Michael (Daniel 10:13; Daniel 10:21; Judges 1:9; Revelation 12:7). The description of himself is a rebuke to the doubt of Zacharias.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:20

THOU SHALT BE SILENT (εση σιωπων). Volitive future periphrastic.NOT ABLE TO SPEAK (μη δυναμενος λαλησα). Negative repetition of the same statement. His dumbness will continue "until" (αχρ ης ημερας) the events come to pass "because" (ανθ' ων). The words were to become reality in due season (και... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:21

WERE WAITING (ην προσδοκων). Periphrastic imperfect again. An old Greek verb for expecting. Appears in papyri and inscriptions. It denotes mental direction whether hope or fear.THEY MARVELLED (εθαυμαζον). Imperfect tense, were wondering. The Talmud says that the priest remained only a brief tim... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:22

PERCEIVED (επεγνωσαν). Second aorist indicative. Clearly knew because he was not able to pronounce the benediction from the steps (Numbers 6:24-26).CONTINUED MAKING SIGNS (ην διανευων). Periphrastic imperfect again. He nodded and beckoned back and forth (δια, between). Further proof of a vision... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:23

MINISTRATION (λειτουργιας). Our word liturgy. A common word in ancient Greek for public service, work for the people (λεως εργον). It is common in the papyri for the service of the Egyptian priesthood as we see it in the LXX of Hebrew priests (see also Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 9:21; 2 Corinthians 9:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:24

CONCEIVED (συνελαβεν). Luke uses this word eleven times and it occurs only five other times in the N.T. It is a very old and common Greek word. He alone in the N.T. has it for conceiving offspring (Luke 1:24; Luke 1:31; Luke 1:36; Luke 2:21) though James 1:15 uses it of lust producing sin. Hobart... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:25

MY REPROACH (ονειδος μου). Keenly felt by a Jewish wife because the husband wanted an heir and because of the hope of the Messiah, and because of the mother's longing for a child.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:26

WAS SENT (απεσταλη). Second aorist passive indicative of αποστελλω from which _apostle_ comes. The angel Gabriel is God's messenger to Mary as to Zacharias (Luke 1:19).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:27

BETROTHED (εμνηστευμενην). Perfect passive participle. Betrothal usually lasted a year and unfaithfulness on the part of the bride was punished with death (Deuteronomy 23:24).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:28

HIGHLY FAVOURED (κεχαριτωμενη). Perfect passive participle of χαριτοω and means endowed with grace (χαρις), enriched with grace as in Ephesians 1:6, _non ut mater gratiae, sed ut filia gratiae_ (Bengel). The Vulgate _gratiae plena_ "is right, if it means 'full of grace _which thou hast received_'... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:29

CAST IN HER MIND (διελογιζετο). Imperfect indicative. Note aorist διεταραχθη. Common verb for reckoning up different reasons. She was both upset and puzzled.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:30

FAVOUR (χαριν). Grace. Same root as χαιρω (rejoice) and χαριτοω in verse Luke 1:28. To find favour is a common O.T. phrase. Χαρις is a very ancient and common word with a variety of applied meanings. They all come from the notion of sweetness, charm, loveliness, joy, delight, like words of grace,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:31

CONCEIVE IN THY WOMB (συλλημψη εν γαστρ). Adding εν γαστρ to the verb of Luke 1:24. Same idiom in Isaiah 7:14 of Immanuel.JESUS (Ιησουν). As to Joseph in Matthew 1:21, but without the explanation of the meaning. See on Matthew.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:32

THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH (υιος Hυψιστου). There is no article in the Greek, but the use of Most High in verse Luke 1:35 clearly of God as here. In Luke 6:35 we find "sons of the Most High" (υιο Hυψιστου) so that we cannot insist on deity here, though that is possible. The language of 2 Samuel 7:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:33

SHALL BE NO END (ουκ εστα τελος). Luke reports the perpetuity of this Davidic kingdom over the house of Jacob with no Pauline interpretation of the spiritual Israel though that was the true meaning as Luke knew. Joseph was of the house of David (Luke 1:27) and Mary also apparently (Luke 2:5).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:35

SHALL OVERSHADOW THEE (επισκιασε). A figure of a cloud coming upon her. Common in ancient Greek in the sense of obscuring and with accusative as of Peter's shadow in Acts 5:15. But we have seen it used of the shining bright cloud at the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:34)... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:37

NO WORD (ουκ ρημα). Ρημα brings out the single item rather than the whole content (λογος). So in verse Luke 1:38.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:39

AROSE (αναστασα). Luke is very fond of this word, sixty times against twenty-two in the rest of the N.T.INTO THE HILL COUNTRY (εις την ορινην). Luke uses this adjective twice in this context (here and Luke 1:65) instead of το ορος, the mountains. It is an old word and is in the LXX, but nowhere... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:40

SALUTED (ησπασατο). Her first glance at Elisabeth showed the truth of the angel's message. The two mothers had a bond of sympathy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:41

LEAPED (εσκιρτησεν). A common enough incident with unborn children (Genesis 25:22), but Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit to understand what had happened to Mary.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:42

WITH A LOUD CRY (κραυγη μεγαλη). A moment of ecstatic excitement.BLESSED ART THOU (ευλογημενη). Perfect passive participle. A Hebraistic equivalent for the superlative.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:43

THE MOTHER OF MY LORD (η μητηρ του Κυριου μου). See Psalms 110:1. Only by the help of the Holy Spirit could Elisabeth know that Mary was to be the mother of the Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:45

FOR (οτ). It is not certain whether οτ here is "that" or "because." It makes good sense either way. See also Luke 7:16. This is the first beatitude in the New Testament and it is similar to the last one in the Gospels spoken to Thomas to discourage his doubt (John 20:29). Elisabeth wishes Mary to... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:46

DOTH MAGNIFY (μεγαλυνε). Latin, _magnificat_. Harnack argues that this is also the song of Elisabeth because a few Latin MSS. have it so, but Mary is correct. She draws her material from the O.T. and sings in the noblest strain.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:47

HATH REJOICED (ηγαλλιασεν). This is aorist active indicative. Greek tenses do not correspond to those in English. The verb αγαλλιαω is a Hellenistic word from the old Greek αγαλλω. It means to exult. See the substantive αγαλλιασις in Luke 1:14; Luke 1:44. Mary is not excited like Elisabeth, but b... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:48

THE LOW ESTATE (την ταπεινωσιν). The bride of a carpenter and yet to be the mother of the Messiah. Literal sense here as in Luke 1:52.SHALL CALL ME BLESSED (μακαριουσιν με). So-called Attic future of an old verb, to felicitate. Elisabeth had already given her a beatitude (μακαρια, Luke 1:45). A... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:50

FEAR (φοβουμενοις). Dative of the present middle participle. Here it is reverential fear as in Acts 10:2; Colossians 3:22. The bad sense of dread appears in Matthew 21:46; Mark 6:20; Luke 12:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:51

SHOWED STRENGTH (εποιησεν κρατος). "Made might" (Wycliff). A Hebrew conception as in Psalms 118:15. Plummer notes six aorist indicatives in this sentence (Luke 1:51-63), neither corresponding to our English idiom, which translates here by "hath" each time.IMAGINATION (διανοια). Intellectual ins... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:54

HATH HOLPEN (αντελαβετο). Second aorist middle indicative. A very common verb. It means to lay hold of with a view to help or succour.SERVANT (παιδος). Here it means "servant," not "son" or "child," its usual meaning.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:58

HAD MAGNIFIED (εμεγαλυνεν). Aorist active indicative. Same verb as in verse Luke 1:46.REJOICED WITH HER (συνεχαιρον αυτη). Imperfect tense and pictures the continual joy of the neighbours, accented also by συν- (cf. Philippians 2:18) in its mutual aspect.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:62

MADE SIGNS (ενενευον). Imperfect tense, repeated action as usual when making signs. In Luke 1:22 the verb used of Zacharias is διανευων.WHAT HE WOULD HAVE HIM CALLED (το τ αν θελο καλεισθα αυτο). Note article το with the indirect question, accusative of general reference. The optative with αν i... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:63

TABLET (πινακιδιον). Diminutive of πινακις. In Aristotle and the papyri for writing tablet, probably covered with wax. Sometimes it was a little table, like Shakespeare's "the table of my memory" (Hamlet, i.5). It was used also of a physician's note-book.WROTE, SAYING (εγραψεν λεγων). Hebrew wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:64

IMMEDIATELY (παραχρημα). Nineteen times in the N.T., seventeen in Luke.OPENED (ανεωιχθη). First aorist passive indicative with double augment. The verb suits "mouth," but not "tongue" (γλωσσα). It is thus a zeugma with tongue. Loosed or some such verb to be supplied.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:65

FEAR (φοβος). Not terror, but religious awe because of contact with the supernatural as in the case of Zacharias (Luke 1:12). Were noised abroad (διελαλειτο). Imperfect passive. Occurs in Polybius. In the N.T. only here and Luke 6:11. It was continuous talk back and forth between (δια) the people... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:66

WHAT THEN (τ αρα). With all these supernatural happenings they predicted the marvellous career of this child. Note Τ,WHAT , not Τις,WHO . Cf. Acts 12:18.THEY LAID THEM UP (εθεντο, second aorist middle indicative) as Mary did (Luke 2:19).THE HAND OF THE LORD (χειρ Κυριου). Luke's explanati... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:67

PROPHESIED (επροφητευσεν). Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This _Benedictus_ (Ευλογητος,BLESSED ) of Zacharias (Luke 1:68-79) may be what is referred to in verse Luke 1:64 "he began to speak blessing God" (ευλογων). Nearly every phrase here is found in the O.T. (Psalms and Prophets). He,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:68

HATH VISITED (επεσκεψατο). An old Greek word with a Hebraic colouring to look into with a view to help. The papyri have plenty of examples of the verb in the sense of inspecting, examining.REDEMPTION (λυτρωσιν) here originally referred to political redemption, but with a moral and spiritual bas... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:69

HORN OF SALVATION (κερας σωτηριας). A common metaphor in the O.T. (1 Samuel 2:10; 2 Samuel 23:3, etc.). It represents strength like the horns of bulls. Cf. Luke 132:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:73

THE OATH WHICH HE SWARE (ορκον ον ωμοσεν). Antecedent attracted to case of the relative. The oath appears in Genesis 22:16-18. The oppression of the Gentiles seems to be in the mind of Zacharias. It is not certain how clearly he grasped the idea of the spiritual Israel as Paul saw it in Galatians... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:74

DELIVERED (ρυσθεντας). First aorist passive participle of an old verb, ρυομα. The accusative case appears, where the dative could have been used to agree with ημιν, because of the infinitive λατρευειν (verse Luke 1:74)TO SERVE (fromLATROS , for hire). But Plato uses the word of service for Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:75

IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (εν οσιοτητ κα δικαιοσυνη). Not a usual combination (Ephesians 4:24; Titus 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 2:10). The Godward and the manward aspects of conduct (Bruce). Hοσιος, the eternal principles of right, δικαιος, the rule of conduct before men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:76

YEA AND THOU (κα συ δε). Direct address to the child with forecast of his life (cf. Luke 1:13-17).PROPHET (προφητης). The word here directly applied to the child. Jesus will later call John a prophet and more than a prophet.THE LORD (Κυριου). Jehovah as in Luke 1:16.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:77

KNOWLEDGE OF SALVATION (γνωσιν σωτηριας). "This is the aim and end of the work of the Forerunner" (Plummer).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:78

TENDER MERCY (σπλαγχνα ελεους). Bowels of mercy literally (1 Peter 3:8; James 3:11). Revised margin has it, hearts of mercy.THE DAYSPRING FROM ON HIGH (ανατολη εξ υψους). Literally, rising from on high, like the rising sun or stars (Isaiah 60:19). The word is used also of a sprouting plant or b... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:79

TO SHINE UPON (επιφανα). First aorist active infinitive of επιφαινω (liquid verb). An old verb to give light, to shine upon, like the sun or stars. See also Acts 27:20; Titus 2:11; Titus 3:4.THE SHADOW OF DEATH (σκια θανατου). See Psalms 107:10, where darkness and shadow of death are combined as... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:80

GREW (ηυξανε). Imperfect active, was growing.WAXED STRONG (εκραταιουτο). Imperfect again. The child kept growing in strength of body and spirit.HIS SHEWING (αναδειξεως αυτου). Here alone in the N.T. It occurs in Plutarch and Polybius. The verb appears in a sacrificial sense. The boy, as he gr... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament