Robertson's Word Pictures of the NT
Luke 11:9
Shall be opened
(ανοιγησετα). Second future passive third singular of ανοιγνυμ and the later ανοιγω.
Shall be opened
(ανοιγησετα). Second future passive third singular of ανοιγνυμ and the later ανοιγω.
Verse Luke 11:9. _AND_ (or, _therefore_) _I SAY UNTO YOU, ASK_] Be importunate with God, not so much to prevail on _him_ to save you, as to get yourselves brought into a proper disposition to receive...
See this explained in the notes at Matthew 7:7. Luke 11:12 “A scorpion” See the notes at Luke 10:19. Dr. Thomson (_The Land and the Book_, vol. i. p. 379) says: “There i
CHAPTER 11 _ 1. The Prayer Given to the Disciples (Luke 11:1 .)_ 2. The Friend at Midnight. (Luke 11:5) 3. Encouragement to Pray. (Luke 11:11) 4. A Demon Cast Out and the Blasphemous Accusation. ...
ON PRAYER (Matthew 6:9 *, Matthew 7:7 *). Lk. assigns the Lord's Prayer to a separate occasion and gives two reasons for the disciples-' request. For the first _cf. Luke 3:21_,...
Jesus said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend and goes to him towards midnight and says to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves because a friend of mine has arrived at my house from a journey and...
TEACH US TO PRAY (Luke 11:1-4)...
ASK. SEEK. KNOCK. Note the Figure of speech _Anabasis_ (App-6). Ask. Greek. _aiteo._ Always used of an inferior to. superior. Never used of the Lord to the Father....
_Ask_, _and it shall be given you_ Matthew 7:7-11; Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 16:23. Doubtless these teachings were repeated more than once
Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31_. Rejected by the Samaritans. A lesson of Tolerance._ This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical...
ΚἈΓῺ ὙΜΙ͂Ν ΛΈΓΩ. _And I say to you_. The argument is the _a minori ad majus_ which is sufficiently obvious in itself, but had been specially formulated by Hillel in his seven ‘rules’ (_middoth_) for t...
CHAPS. Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31 This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical with the journey (probably to the Feast of the...
Ver 9. And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. 10. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that...
_LESSONS ON HOW TO PRAY -- LUKE 11:1-13:_ Jesus, Himself was a praying man. When Jesus finished His prayer one of the disciples made this request to Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught...
ΑΙΤΕΊΤΕ _praes. imper. act. от_ ΑΊΤΈΩ (G154) просить, молить. _Praes. imper._ выражает обыденное действие, то есть: "пусть это будет вашей привычкой" "отвечайте таким образом каждый раз, когда к вам в...
DISCOURSE: 1521 IMPORTUNITY ENCOURAGED Luke 11:9. _I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth;...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 1 Puerility (Luke 11:1-13) 11He was praying in a certain place, and when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples....
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. AND I SAY UNTO YOU, ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN YOU ... IF A SON SHALL ASK BREAD...
25 A lawyer, or one versed in the law of Moses, especially in making it a burden for others than themselves (Luk_11:46), would naturally be interested in the Lord's opinion as to what deeds would meri...
THE LORD'S PRAYER. THE SIGN OF JONAH 1-4. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9). See on Mt. If the Lord's Prayer was given only once, St. Luke is probably right as to the occasion. His version, however (as...
PRAYER AND THE ANSWER TO PRAYER (Matthew 7:7, Sermon on the Mount). See on Mt. 11, 12. In answer to prayer God gives neither what is useless (a stone) nor what is harmful (a serpent, or scorpion). The...
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 11 JESUS TEACHES ABOUT PRAYER 11:1-13 1 THE PRAYER THAT JESUS TAUGHT 11:1-4 V1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of...
(9-13) ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN YOU. — See Notes on Matthew 7:7; but note (1) the greater impressiveness of the opening words, “And I say unto you,... “as connected with the previous illustration; a...
Luke 18:1 CHAPTER 11 CONCERNING PRAYER. WHEN the Greeks called man ό ανθρωπος, or the "uplooking one," they did but crystallize in a word what is a universal fact, the religious instinct of humanit...
_The moral of the story_ (_cf._ Matthew 7:7-11). κἀγὼ ὑμῖν, etc., and _I_ (the same speaker as in Luke 11:8) say to _you_, with equal confidence. What Jesus says is in brief: you also will get what yo...
Luke 11:9-10 correspond almost exactly with Matthew 7:7-8. _Vide_ notes there....
Luke 11:1-13 contain a lesson on prayer, consisting of two parts: _first_, a form of prayer suggesting the chief objects of desire (Luke 11:1-4); _second_, an argument enforcing perseverance in prayer...
ENCOURAGEMENT TO PERSEVERING PRAYER Luke 11:5-13 The parable of the three friends is very encouraging. We, so to speak, are to act as mediators or intercessors between those who are in sore need and...
Watching the Master at prayer, His disciples were inspired with a desire to pray, and requested that they be taught. He responded to them in a fourfold statement. First, He gave them a model. Then He...
Our petitions are frequently not immediately granted, that our earnestness and assiduity may be increased; that we may learn to esteem the gifts of God, and preserve them with care, for whatever we pr...
THE SHAMELESS PRAYER Luke 11:5-11. “ _And He said unto them_, _Which one of you shall have a friend_, _and he shall come to you at midnight_, _and say to thee_, _Friend_, _lend me three loaves_, _sinc...
Luke 11:9-10. “ _And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you._ 10. _For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh fin...
6. _Prayer: Luke 11:1-13_. Continuing still to advance leisurely, the Lord remained faithful to His habit of prayer. He was not satisfied with that constant direction of soul toward His Father, to whi...
2 _d. Luke 11:5-13_. _The Efficacy of Prayer._ After having declared to His own the essential objects to be prayed for, Jesus encourages them thus to pray by assuring them of the efficacy of the act....
(1) And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. (2) And he said unto...
The ninth chapter opens with the mission not the setting apart, but the circuit of the twelve sent out by the Lord, who therein was working after a fresh sort. He communicates power in grace to men, c...
_COMMANDING PRAYER_ ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’ Luke 11:9 There is no particular subject of prayer to which this exhortation i...
The prayer which He taught His disciples (chapter 11) has respect also to the position into which they came before the gift of the Holy Ghost. [32] Jesus Himself prayed, as the dependent man on earth....
AND I SAY UNTO YOU, ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN YOU,.... This is said by Christ, to encourage to prayer, and importunity in it; that if any one asks of God, in the name of Christ, and in faith, whether...
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Ver. 9. _Ask and it shall be given_] Ask, seek, knock. It is not a simple repetiti...
_I say unto you, Ask_, &c. Pray frequently, and be most earnest and importunate in your prayers, because thus you shall obtain whatsoever you ask agreeably to the will of God. For if importunity would...
ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN; now comes the application of the parable. Be importunate in asking, seeking, and knocking at God's door, and you will be heard and answered. God often delays answering pray...
Asking of God in prayer. Matthew 7:7-11....
The importunity of prayer:...
VALUABLE INSTRUCTION AS TO PRAYER (vs.1-13) As this chapter opens the Lord Jesus was exemplifying the character of dependent communion with His Father (that character that He commended in Mary). His...
5-13 Christ encourages fervency and constancy in prayer. We must come for what we need, as a man does to his neighbour or friend, who is kind to him. We must come for bread; for that which is needful...
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VIII But, on the contrary, the Barbarian philosophy, expelling all contention, said, "Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; ask, and it...
Luke 11:9 So G2504 say G3004 (G5719) you G5213 ask G154 (G5720) and G2532 given G1325 (G57
THE CERTAINTY OF PROVISION TO THOSE WHO SEEK TOMORROW'S BREAD, THE HOLY SPIRIT (11:9-13). The lesson here is that those who want to enjoy God's full provision must be urgent and persistent. There mus...
‘And I say to you, “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you.” They must be like the persistent householder. They must ask, yes, they must seek, y...
A MAN SEEKING HIS DAILY BREAD IS PROVIDED FOR. HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT (11:5-13). In the chiasmus of the whole Section the first part of this passage parallels Martha's provision...
Luke 11:9-10. See on Matthew 7:7-8. But the words are not taken from that discourse: they apply the lesson of the parable, namely, that God will, even when He seems to delay, hear and answer prayer. T...
THIS division of the Gospel of Luke, embracing nearly one third of the whole, contains for the most part matter peculiar to this Evangelist. A number of the incidents probably belong to an earlier per...
THE TIME and place of the following incident are indefinite, but it cannot be a part of the Sermon on the Mount, put out of its place. A definite occasion is stated in Luke 11:1, and Luke 11:5-8 are n...
Luke 11:6 The Friend at Midnight. I. The success of prayer is conditioned by the character of the suppliant. Not every kind of asking is acceptable prayer. That which men desire simply for the gratif...
Luke 11:1. _And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples._ It seemed...
CONTENTS: Jesus' doctrine of prayer. Jesus charged with casting out demons by Beelzebub, and His answer. Woes denounced upon the Pharisees and lawyers. CHARACTERS: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Jonah, Sol...
Luke 11:1. _Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples._ The disciples of John were eminent for fasting and prayer; and though the prayers of the jews were good, yet they were not exact...
ASK, AND YOU WILL RECEIVE. See note on Matthew 7:7-11. Luke does not give a "chronological history," and these events are "out of sequence." WILL GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. Matthew says: _"good things._ ...
_Ask, and it shall be given you_ THE LAW OF PRAYER This familiar text is usually quoted, and rightly so, as being one of the most precious promises and encouragements to prayer which the Bible conta...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 11:9 Jesus tells his followers to ASK God (a common term for “pray”), SEEK God (Deuteronomy 4:29;...
_And I say unto you, ask and it shall be given you._ (See S. Matthew 7:7.)...
CHAPTER 11 VER. 2. _When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name_. S. Matthew adds this prayer to the sermon on the mount, whilst S. Luke places it at a later period. Either...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 11:1. The time and place when this incident occurred are indefinite, but there can be no doubt that we have not here part of the Sermon on the Mount, put out of its place. The fo...
EXPOSITION LUKE 11:1 The _Lord_'_s teaching on the_ _subject of prayer. _Again the scene is far away from Jerusalem; no special note of _time _or _place _enables us to fix the scene or date with any...
Tonight, chapter 11 in the gospel according to Luke. Again, as Luke is pointing out the human side of Jesus, though He was God, He became man. He is the God-man. He is divine, and yet, He is human. Th...
1 John 3:22; 1 John 5:14; 1 John 5:15; 2 Corinthians 12:8;...
Ask [α ι τ ε ι τ ε]. The word for the asking of an inferior (Acts 12:20; Acts 3:2); and hence of man from God (Matthew 7:7; James 1:5). Christ never uses the word of his own askin
Matthew 7:7....
Our Saviour here goes on to urge us to importunity and constancy in prayer; he bids us ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK, and assures us we shall be accepted, heard, and answered. Here note, 1. That man is. poor...