
(αποκριθεις). First aorist passive participle of αποκρινομα. No one had spoken to him, but he felt his importance as the ruler of the synagogue and was indignant (αγανακτων, from αγαν and αχομα, to feel much pain). His words have a ludicrous sound as if all the people had to do to get their crooked backs straightened out was to come round to his synagogue during the week. He forgot that this poor old woman had been coming for eighteen years with no result. He was angry with Jesus, but he spoke to the multitude (τω οχλω).Ought

(δε). Really, must, necessary, a direct hit at Jesus who had "worked" on the sabbath in healing this old woman.And not

(κα μη). Instead of κα ου, because in the imperative clause.

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Old Testament