With one consent

(απο μιας). Some feminine substantive like γνωμης or ψυχης has to be supplied. This precise idiom occurs nowhere else. It looked like a conspiracy for each one in his turn did the same thing.To make excuse

(παραιτεισθα). This common Greek verb is used in various ways, to ask something from one (Mark 15:6), to deprecate or ask to avert (Hebrews 12:19), to refuse or decline (Acts 25:11), to shun or to avoid (2 Timothy 2:23), to beg pardon or to make excuses for not doing or to beg (Luke 14:18). All these ideas are variations of αιτεω, to ask in the middle voice with παρα in composition.The first

(ο πρωτος). In order of time. There are three of the "many" ("all"), whose excuses are given, each more flimsy than the other.I must needs

(εχω αναγκην). I have necessity. The land would still be there, a strange "necessity."Have me excused

(εχε με παρηιτημενον). An unusual idiom somewhat like the English perfect with the auxiliary "have" and the modern Greek idiom with εχω, but certainly not here a Greek periphrasis for παρηιτησο. This perfect passive participle is predicate and agrees with με. See a like idiom in Mark 3:1; Luke 12:19 (Robertson, Grammar, pp. 902f.). The Latin had a similar idiom, habe me excusatum. Same language in verse Luke 14:19.

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Old Testament