Hateth not

(ου μισε). An old and very strong verb μισεω, to hate, detest. The orientals use strong language where cooler spirits would speak of preference or indifference. But even so Jesus does not here mean that one must hate his father or mother of necessity or as such, for Matthew 15:4 proves the opposite. It is only where the element of choice comes in (cf. Matthew 6:24) as it sometimes does, when father or mother opposes Christ. Then one must not hesitate. The language here is more sharply put than in Matthew 10:37. The ου here coalesces with the verb μισε in this conditional clause of the first class determined as fulfilled. It is the language of exaggerated contrast, it is true, but it must not be watered down till the point is gone. In mentioning "and wife" Jesus has really made a comment on the excuse given in verse Luke 14:20 (I married a wife and so I am not able to come).And his own life also

(ετ τε κα την ψυχην εαυτου). Note τε κα, both--and. "The τε (B L) binds all the particulars into one bundle of renuncianda" (Bruce). Note this same triple group of conjunctions (ετ τε κα) in Acts 21:28, "And moreover also," "even going as far as his own life." Martyrdom should be an ever-present possibility to the Christian, not to be courted, but not to be shunned. Love for Christ takes precedence "over even the elemental instinct of self-preservation" (Ragg).

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Old Testament