Luke 18:1

TO THE END THAT (προς το δειν).WITH A VIEW TO THE BEING NECESSARY , προς and the articular infinitive. The impersonal verb δε here is in the infinitive and has another infinitive loosely connected with it προσευχεσθα, to pray.NOT TO FAINT (μη ενκακειν). Literally, not to give in to evil (εν,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:2

Regarded not (μη εντρεπομενος). Present middle participle of εντρεπω, old verb, to turn one on himself, to shame one, to reverence one. This was a "hard-boiled" judge who knew no one as his superior. See on Matthew 21:37.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:3

CAME OFT (ηρχετο). Imperfect tense denotes repetitions, no adverb for "oft" in the Greek.AVENGE ME OF (εκδικησον με απο). A late verb for doing justice, protecting one from another (note both εκ and απο, here). Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 420ff.) quotes a στηλη of the second c... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:4

HE WOULD NOT (ουκ ηθελεν). Imperfect tense of continued refusal.THOUGH (ε κα). Concerning sentence, not κα ε (even if).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:5

YET (γε). Delicate intensive particle of deep feeling as here.BECAUSE THIS WIDOW TROUBLETH ME (δια το παρεχειν μο κοπον την χηραν ταυτην). Literally, because of the furnishing me trouble as to this widow (accusative of general reference with the articular infinitive).LEST SHE WEAR ME OUT (ινα... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:6

THE UNRIGHTEOUS JUDGE (ο κριτης της αδικιας). The judge of unrighteousness (marked by unrighteousness), as in Luke 16:8 we have "the steward of unrighteousness," the same idiom.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:7

AND HE IS LONGSUFFERING (μακροθυμε). This present active indicative comes in awkwardly after the aorist subjunctive ποιηση after ου μη, but this part of the question is positive. Probably κα here means "and yet" as so often (John 9:30; John 16:32, etc.). God delays taking vengeance on behalf of h... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:8

HOWBEIT (πλην). It is not clear whether this sentence is also a question or a positive statement. There is no way to decide. Either will make sense though not quite the same sense. The use of αρα before ευρησε seems to indicate a question expecting a negative answer as in Acts 8:30; Romans 14:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:9

SET ALL OTHERS AT NAUGHT (εξουθενουντας τους λοιπους). A late verb εξουθενεω, like ουδενεω, from ουθεν (ουδεν), to consider or treat as nothing. In LXX and chiefly in Luke and Paul in the N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:10

STOOD (σταθεις). First aorist passive participle of ιστημ. Struck an attitude ostentatiously where he could be seen. Standing was the common Jewish posture in prayer (Matthew 6:5; Mark 11:25).PRAYED THUS (ταυτα προσηυχετο). Imperfect middle, was praying these things (given following).WITH HIMSE... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:12

TWICE IN THE WEEK (δις του σαββατου). One fast a year was required by the law (Leviticus 16:29; Numbers 29:7). The Pharisees added others, twice a week between passover and pentecost, and between tabernacles and dedication of the temple.I GET (κτωμα). Present middle indicative, not perfect midd... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:13

STANDING AFAR OFF (μακροθεν εστως). Second perfect active participle of ιστημ, intransitive like σταθεις above. But no ostentation as with the Pharisee in verse Luke 18:11. At a distance from the Pharisee, not from the sanctuary.WOULD NOT LIFT (ουκ ηθελεν ουδε επαρα). Negatives (double) imperfe... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:14

THIS MAN (ουτος). This despised publican referred to contemptuously in verse Luke 18:11 as "this" (ουτος) publican.RATHER THAN THE OTHER (παρ' εκεινον). In comparison with (placed beside) that one. A neat Greek idiom after the perfect passive participle δεδικαιομενος.FOR (οτ). This moral maxi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:15

THEY BROUGHT (προσεφερον). Imperfect active, they were bringing. So Mark 10:13.THEIR BABES (τα βρεφη). Old word forINFANTS . Here Mark 10:13; Matthew 19:13 have παιδια (little children). Note "also" (κα) in Luke, not in Mark and Matthew.THAT HE SHOULD TOUCH THEM (ινα αυτων απτητα). Present... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:16

CALLED (προσεκαλεσατο). Indirect middle aorist indicative, called the children with their parents to himself and then rebuked the disciples for their rebuke of the parents. The language of Jesus is precisely that of Mark 10:14 which see, and nearly that of Matthew 19:14 which see also. The plea o... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:17

AS A LITTLE CHILD (ως παιδιον). Jesus makes the child the model for those who seek entrance into the kingdom of God, not the adult the model for the child. He does not say that the child is already in the kingdom without coming to him. Jesus has made the child's world by understanding the child a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:18

RULER (αρχων). Not in Mark 10:17; Matthew 19:16.WHAT SHALL I DO TO INHERIT? (Τ ποιησας κληρονομησω;). "By doing what shall I inherit?" Aorist active participle and future active indicative. Precisely the same question is asked by the lawyer in Luke 10:25. This young man probably thought that by... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:22

ONE THING THOU LACKEST YET (ετ εν σο λειπε). Literally, one thing still fails thee or is wanting to thee. An old verb with the dative of personal interest. Mark 10:21 has here υστερε σε, which see. It was an amazing compliment for one who was aiming at perfection (Matthew 19:21). The youth eviden... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:23

BECAME (εγενηθη). First aorist passive indicative of γινομα. Like his countenance fell (στυγνασας), in Mark 10:22.EXCEEDINGLY SORROWFUL (περιλυπος). Old adjective (περι, λυπη) with perfective use of περ.VERY RICH (πλουσιος σφοδρα). Rich exceedingly. Today, a multimillionaire.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:25

THROUGH A NEEDLE'S EYE (δια τρηματος βελονης). Both words are old. Τρημα means a perforation or hole or eye and in the N.T. only here and Matthew 19:24. Βελονη means originally the point of a spear and then a surgeon's needle. Here only in the N.T. Mark 10:25; Matthew 19:24 have ραφιδος for needl... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:26

THEN WHO (κα τις). Literally,AND WHO . The κα calls attention to what has just been said. Wealth was assumed to be mark of divine favour, not a hindrance to salvation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:27

THE IMPOSSIBLE WITH MEN POSSIBLE WITH GOD (τα αδυνατα παρα ανθρωποις δυνατα παρα τω θεω). Paradoxical, but true. Take your stand "beside" (παρα) God and the impossible becomes possible. Clearly then Jesus meant the humanly impossible by the parabolic proverb about the camel going through the need... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:28

OUR OWN (τα ιδια). Our own things (home, business, etc.). Right here is where so many fail. Peter speaks here not in a spirit of boastfulness, but rather with his reactions from their consternation at what has happened and at the words of Jesus (Plummer).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:30

SHALL NOT RECEIVE (ουχ μη λαβη). Very strong double negative with aorist active subjunctive of λαμβανω.MANIFOLD MORE (πολλαπλασιονα). Late Greek word, here alone in the N.T. save Matthew 19:29 where Westcott and Hort have it though many MSS. there read εκατονπλασιονα (a hundredfold) as in Mark... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:31

TOOK UNTO HIM (παραλαβων). Second aorist active participle of παραλαμβανω. Taking along with himself. So Mark 10:32; Matthew 20:17 adds κατ' ιδιαν (apart). Jesus is making a special point of explaining his death to the Twelve.WE GO UP (αναβαινομεν). Present active indicative, we are going up.UN... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:33

THE THIRD DAY (τη ημερα τη τριτη). The day the third. In Matthew 20:19 it is "the third day" while in Mark 10:34 "after three days" occurs in the same sense, which see.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:34

AND THEY PERCEIVED NOT (κα ουκ εγινωσκον). Imperfect active. They kept on not perceiving. Twice already Luke has said this in the same sentence.THEY UNDERSTOOD NONE OF THESE THINGS (ουδεν τουτων συνηκαν). First aorist active indicative, a summary statement.THIS SAYING WAS HID FROM THEM (ην το... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:35

UNTO JERICHO (εις Ιερειχω). See on Matthew 20:29; Mark 10:46, for discussion of the two Jerichos in Mark and Matt. (the old and the new as here).BEGGING (επαιτων). Asking for something. He probably was by the wayside between the old Jericho and the new Roman Jericho. Mark gives his name Bartima... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:36

INQUIRED (επυνθανετο). Imperfect middle. Repeatedly inquired as he heard the tramp of the passing crowd going by (διαπορευομενου).WHAT THIS MEANT (Τ ειη τουτο). Literally, What it was. Without αν the optative is due to indirect discourse, changed from εστιν. With αν (margin of Westcott and Hort... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:37

PASSETH BY (παρερχετα). Present middle indicative retained in indirect discourse as παραγε is in Matthew 20:30. No reason for differences of English tenses in the two passages (was passing by, passeth by).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:38

HE CRIED (εβοησεν). Old verb, βοαω, to shout, as in Luke 9:38.SON OF DAVID (υιε Δαυειδ). Shows that he recognizes Jesus as the Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:39

THAT HE SHOULD HOLD HIS PEACE (ινα σιγηση). Ingressive aorist subjunctive. That he should become silent; as with ινα σιωπηση in Mark 10:48.THE MORE A GREAT DEAL (πολλω μαλλον). By much more as in Mark 10:48.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:40

STOOD (σταθεις). First aorist passive where Mark 10:49; Matthew 20:32 have στας (second aorist active) translated "stood still." One is as "still" as the other. The first is that Jesus " stopped."BE BROUGHT (αχθηνα). First aorist infinitive in indirect command.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:41

WHAT WILT THOU THAT I SHOULD DO UNTO THEE? (Τ σο θελεις ποιησω;). Same idiom in Mark 10:51; Matthew 20:32 which see, the use of θελω without ινα with aorist subjunctive (or future indicative). See same references also for ινα αναβλεψω "that I may see again" without verb before ινα. Three uses of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 18:43

FOLLOWED (ηκολουθε). Imperfect active as in Mark 10:52. Either inchoative he began to follow, or descriptive, he was following.... [ Continue Reading ]

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