
(σταθεις). First aorist passive participle of ιστημ. Struck an attitude ostentatiously where he could be seen. Standing was the common Jewish posture in prayer (Matthew 6:5; Mark 11:25).Prayed thus

(ταυτα προσηυχετο). Imperfect middle, was praying these things (given following).With himself

(προς εαυτον). A soliloquy with his own soul, a complacent recital of his own virtues for his own self-satisfaction, not fellowship with God, though he addresses God.I thank thee

(ευχαριστω σο). But his gratitude to God is for his own virtues, not for God's mercies to him. One of the rabbis offers a prayer like this of gratitude that he was in a class by himself because he was a Jew and not a Gentile, because he was a Pharisee and not of the am-haaretz or common people, because he was a man and not a woman.Extortioners

(αρπαγες). An old word, αρπαξ from same root as αρπαζω, to plunder. An adjective of only one gender, used of robbers and plunderers, grafters, like the publicans (Luke 3:13), whether wolves (Matthew 7:15) or men (1 Corinthians 5:19). The Pharisee cites the crimes of which he is not guilty.Or even

(η κα). As the climax of iniquity (Bruce), he points to "this publican." Zaccheus will admit robbery (Luke 19:8).God

(ο θεος). Nominative form with the article as common with the vocative use of θεος (so verse Luke 18:13; John 20:28).

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Old Testament