Ran on before

(προδραμων εις το εμπροσθεν). Second aorist active participle of προτρεχω (defective verb). "Before" occurs twice (προ- and εις το εμπροσθεν).Into a sycamore tree

(επ συκομορεαν). From συκον, fig, and μορον, mulberry. The fig-mulberry and quite a different tree from the sycamine tree in Luke 17:6, which see. It bore a poor fruit which poor people ate (Amos 7:14). It was a wide open tree with low branches so that Zacchaeus could easily climb into it.That way

(εκεινης). Feminine for οδος (way) is understood. Genitive case with δ in composition (διερχεσθα) or as an adverbial use.

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Old Testament