They could not find

(ουχ ηυρισκον). Imperfect active. They kept on not finding.What they might do

(το τ ποιησωσιν). First aorist active deliberative subjunctive in a direct question retained in the indirect. Note the article το (neuter accusative) with the question.Hung upon him

(εξεκρεμετο αυτου). Imperfect middle of εκκρεμαμα, an old verb (μ form) to hang from, here only in the N.T. The form is an ομεγα form from εκκρεμομα, a constant tendency to the ομεγα form in the Koine. It pictures the whole nation (save the leaders in verse Luke 19:47) hanging upon the words of Jesus as if in suspense in mid-air, rapt attention that angered these same leaders. Tyndale renders it "stuck by him."

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Old Testament