Among men in whom he is well pleased

(εν ανθρωποις ευδοκιας). The Textus Receptus (Authorized Version also has ευδοκια, but the genitive ευδοκιας is undoubtedly correct, supported by the oldest and best uncials. (Aleph, A B D W). C has a lacuna here. Plummer justly notes how in this angelic hymn Glory and Peace correspond, in the highest and on earth, to God and among men of goodwill. It would be possible to connect "on earth" with "the highest" and also to have a triple division. There has been much objection raised to the genitive ευδοκιας, the correct text. But it makes perfectly good sense and better sense. As a matter of fact real peace on earth exists only among those who are the subjects of God's goodwill, who are characterized by goodwill toward God and man. This word ευδοκια we have already had in Matthew 11:26. It does not occur in the ancient Greek. The word is confined to Jewish and Christian writings, though the papyri furnish instances of ευδοκησις. Wycliff has it "to men of goodwill."

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Old Testament