Luke 24:1

AT EARLY DAWN (ορθρου βαθεος). Genitive of time. Literally, at deep dawn. The adjective βαθυς (deep) was often used of time. This very idiom occurs in Aristophanes, Plato, et cetera. John 20:1 adds "while it was yet dark." That is, when they started, for the sun was risen when they arrived (Mark... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:2

ROLLED AWAY (αποκεκυλισμενον). Perfect passive participle of αποκυλιω, late verb and in the N.T. only in this context (Mark 16:3; Matthew 28:2) while John 20:1 has ηρμενον (taken away).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:3

OF THE LORD JESUS (του κυριου Ιησου). The Western family of documents does not have these words and Westcott and Hort bracket them as Western non-interpolations. There are numerous instances of this shorter Western text in this chapter. For a discussion of the subject see my _Introduction to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:4

WHILE THEY WERE PERPLEXED THEREABOUT (εν τω απορεισθα αυτας περ τουτου). Luke's common Hebraistic idiom, εν with the articular infinitive (present passive απορεισθα from απορεω, to lose one's way) and the accusative of general reference.TWO MEN (ανδρες δυο). Men, not women. Mark 16:5 speaks of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:5

AS THEY WERE AFFRIGHTED (εμφοβων γενομενων αυτων). Genitive absolute with second aorist middle of γινομα, to become. Hence,WHEN THEY BECAME AFFRIGHTED . They had utterly forgotten the prediction of Jesus that he would rise on the third day.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:6

HE IS NOT HERE, BUT IS RISEN (ουκ εστιν ωδε, αλλα ηγερθη). Another Western non-interpolation according to Westcott and Hort. The words are genuine at any rate in Mark 16:6; Matthew 28:7.THE THIRD DAY RISE AGAIN (τη τριτη ημερα αναστηνα). See Luke 9:22; Luke 18:32; Luke 18:33 where Jesus plainly... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:9

FROM THE TOMB (απο του μνημειου). Some documents omit these words. This word for tomb is like our "memorial" from μιμνησκω, to remind.TOLD (απηγγειλαν). It was a wonderful proclamation. Luke does not separate the story of Mary Magdalene from that of the other women as John does (John 20:2-18).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:11

AS IDLE TALK (ως ληρος). Old word for nonsense, only here in the N.T. Medical writers used it for the wild talk of those in delirium or hysteria.DISBELIEVED (ˆpistoun). Imperfect active of απιστεω, old verb from απιστος, without confidence or faith in. They kept on distrusting the story of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:12

This entire verse is a Western non-interpolation. This incident is given in complete form in John 18:2-10 and most of the words in this verse are there also. It is of a piece with many items in this chapter about which it is not easy to reach a final conclusion.STOOPING AND LOOKING IN (παρακυψας).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:13

WERE GOING (ησαν πορευομενο). Periphrastic imperfect middle of πορευομα.SIXTY STADIA (σταδιους εξηκοντα). About seven miles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:14

THEY COMMUNED (ωμιλουν). Imperfect active of ομιλεω, old and common verb (from ομιλος, in company with). In the N.T. only here (and verse Luke 24:15) and Acts 20:11; Acts 24:26. Our word homiletics is derived from this word for preaching was at first largely conversational in style and not declam... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:15

WHILE THEY COMMUNED AND QUESTIONED TOGETHER (εν τω ομιλειν αυτους κα συνζητειν). Same idiom as in verse Luke 24:14, which see. Note συνζητειν; each questioned the other.JESUS HIMSELF (αυτος Ιησους). In actual person.WENT WITH THEM (συνεπορευετο αυτοις). Imperfect middle, was going along with... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:16

WERE HOLDEN THAT THEY SHOULD NOT KNOW HIM (εκρατουντο του μη επιγνωνα αυτον). Imperfect passive of κρατεω, continued being held, with the ablative case of the articular infinitive, "from recognizing him," from knowing him fully (επι-γνωνα, ingressive aorist of επιγινωσκο). The μη is a redundant n... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:17

THAT YOU HAVE WITH ANOTHER (ους αντιβαλλετε προς αλληλους). Αντι-βαλλω is an old verb and means to throw in turn, back and forth like a ball, from one to another, a beautiful picture of conversation as a game of words. Only here in the N.T.THEY STOOD STILL (εσταθησαν). First aorist passive of ι... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:18

DOST THOU ALONE SOJOURN? (συ μονος παροικεισ;). Μονος is predicate adjective. "Hast thou been dwelling alone (all by thyself)?"AND NOT KNOW? (κα ουκ εγνωσ;). Second aorist active indicative and difficult to put into English as the aorist often is. The verb παροικεω means to dwell beside one, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:21

BUT WE HOPED (ημεις δε ηλπιζομεν). Imperfect active, we were hoping. Note emphasis in ημεις (we).REDEEM (λυτρουσθα). From the bondage of Rome, no doubt.YEA AND BESIDE ALL THIS (αλλα γε κα συν πασιν τουτοις). Particles pile up to express their emotions.YEA (αλλα here affirmative, as in verse... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:22

AMAZED US (εξεστησαν ημας). First aorist active (transitive) indicative with accusative ημας of εξιστημ. The second aorist active is intransitive.EARLY (ορθρινα). A poetic and late form for ορθριος. In the N.T. only here and Revelation 24:22. Predicate adjective agreeing with the women.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:23

HAD SEEN (εωρακενα). Perfect active infinitive in indirect assertion after λεγουσα. Same construction for ζηιν after λεγουσιν. But all this was too indirect and uncertain (women and angels) for Cleopas and his companion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:25

FOOLISH MEN (ανοητο). Literally without sense (νους), not understanding. Common word.SLOW OF HEART (βραδεις τη καρδια). Slow in heart (locative case). Old word for one dull, slow to comprehend or to act.ALL THAT (πασιν οις). Relative attracted from the accusative α to the case of the antecede... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:26

BEHOOVED IT NOT? (ουχ εδει;). Was it not necessary? The very things about the death of Jesus that disturbed them so were the strongest proof that he was the Messiah of the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:27

INTERPRETED (διηρμηνευσεν). First aorist active (constative aorist) indicative of διερμηνευω (Margin has the imperfect διηρμηνευεν), intensive compound (δια) of ερμηνευω, the old verb to interpret from ερμηνευς, interpreter, and that from Hερμης, the messenger of the gods as the people of Lystra... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:28

MADE AS THOUGH (προσεποιησατο). First aorist active middle (Some MSS. have προσεποιειτο imperfect) indicative of προσποιεω, old verb to conform oneself to, to pretend. Only here in the N.T. Of course he would have gone on if the disciples had not urged him to stay.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:29

CONSTRAINED (παρεβιασαντο). Strong verb παραβιαζομα, to compel by use of force (Polybius and LXX). In the N.T. only here and Acts 16:15. It was here compulsion of courteous words.IS FAR SPENT (κεκλικεν). Perfect active indicative of κλινω. The day "has turned" toward setting.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:30

WHEN HE HAD SAT DOWN (εν τω κατακλιθηνα αυτον). Luke's common idiom as in verses Luke 24:4; Luke 24:15. Note first aorist passive infinitive (on the reclining as to him).GAVE (επεδιδου). Imperfect, inchoative idea, began to give to them, in contrast with the preceding aorist (punctiliar) partic... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:31

WERE OPENED (διηνοιχθησαν). Ingressive first aorist passive indicative of διανοιγω.KNEW (επεγνωσαν). Effective first aorist active indicative fully recognized him. Same word in verse Luke 24:16.VANISHED (αφαντος εγενετο). Became invisible or unmanifested. Αφαντος from α privative and φαινομα,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:32

WAS NOT OUR HEART BURNING? (Ουχ η καρδια εμων καιομενη ην;). Periphrastic imperfect middle.SPAKE (ελαλε). Imperfect active, was speaking. This common verb λαλεω is onomatopoetic, to utter a sound, λα-λα and was used of birds, children chattering, and then for conversation, for preaching, for an... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:33

THAT VERY HOUR (αυτη τη ωρα). Locative case and common Lukan idiom, at the hour itself. They could not wait.GATHERED (ηθροισμενους). Perfect passive participle of αθροιζω, old verb from αθροος (copulative α and θροος, crowd). Only here in the N.T.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:34

SAYING (λεγοντας). Accusative present active participle agreeing with "the eleven and those with them" in verse Luke 24:33.INDEED (οντως). Really, because "he has appeared to Simon" (ωπθη Σιμων). First aorist passive indicative of οραω. This is the crucial evidence that turned the scales with t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:35

REHEARSED (εξηγουντο). Imperfect middle indicative of εξηγεομα, verb to lead out, to rehearse. Our word exegesis comes from this verb. Their story was now confirmatory, not revolutionary. The women were right then after all.OF THEM (αυτοις). To them, dative case. They did not recognize Jesus in... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:36

HE HIMSELF STOOD (αυτος εστη). He himself stepped and stood. Some documents do not have "Peace be unto you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:37

TERRIFIED (πτοηθεντες). First aorist passive participle of πτοεω, old verb and in the N.T. only here and Luke 21:9 which see.AFFRIGHTED (εμφοβο γενομενο). Late adjective from εν and φοβος (fear). Both these terms of fear are strong.SUPPOSED (εδοκουν). Imperfect active of δοκεω, kept on thinki... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:38

WHY ARE YE TROUBLED? (τ τεταραγμενο εστε;). Periphrastic perfect passive indicative of ταρασσω, old verb, to agitate, to stir up, to get excited.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:39

MYSELF (αυτος). Jesus is patient with his proof. They were convinced before he came into the room, but that psychological shock had unnerved them all.HANDLE (ψηλαφησατε). This very word is used in 1 John 1:1 as proof of the actual human body of Jesus. It is an old verb for touching with the han... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:41

DISBELIEVED FOR JOY (απιστουντων αυτων απο της χαρας). Genitive absolute and a quite understandable attitude. They were slowly reconvinced, but it was after all too good to be true.ANYTHING TO EAT (βρωσιμον). Only here in the N.T., though an old word from βιβρωσκω, to eat.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:42

A PIECE OF BROILED FISH (ιχθυος οπτου μερος). Οπτος is a verbal from οπταω, to cook, to roast, to broil. Common word, but only here in the N.T. The best old documents omit "and a honeycomb" (κα απο μελισσιου κηριου).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:44

WHILE I WAS YET WITH YOU (ετ ων συν υμιν). Literally,BEING YET WITH YOU . The participle ων takes the time of the principal verb.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:45

OPENED HE THEIR MIND (διηνοιξεν αυτων τον νουν). The same verb as that in verses Luke 24:31; Luke 24:32 about the eyes and the Scriptures. Jesus had all these years been trying to open their minds that they might understand the Scriptures about the Messiah and now at last he makes one more effort... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:46

IT IS WRITTEN (γεγραπτα). Perfect passive indicative of γραφω, to write, the usual phrase for quoting Scripture. Jesus now finds in the Old Testament his suffering, his resurrection, and the preaching of repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations. Note the infinitives παθειν, αναστηναι, κη... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:47

BEGINNING (αρξαμενο). Aorist middle participle of αρχω, but the nominative plural with no syntactical connection (an anacoluthon).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:49

UNTIL YE BE CLOTHED (εως ου ενδυσησθε). First aorist middle subjunctive of ενδυω or ενδυνω. It is an old verb for putting on a garment. It is here the indirect middle, put on yourselves power from on high as a garment. They are to wait till this experience comes to them. This is "the promise of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:50

OVER AGAINST BETHANY (εως προς Βηθανιαν). That is on Olivet. On this blessed spot near where he had delivered the great Eschatological Discourse he could see Bethany and Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:51

HE PARTED FROM THEM (διεστη απ' αυτων). Second aorist active (intransitive) indicative of διιστημ. He stood apart (δια) and he was gone. Some manuscripts do not have the words "and was carried into heaven." But we know that Jesus was taken up into heaven on a cloud (Acts 1:9).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 24:52

WORSHIPPED HIM (προσκυνησαντες αυτον). Here again we have one of Westcott and Hort's Western non-interpolations that may be genuine or not.WITH GREAT JOY (μετα χαρας μεγαλης). Now that the Ascension has come they are no longer in despair. Joy becomes the note of victory as it is today. No other... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament