Were in expectation

(προσδοκωντος). Genitive absolute of this striking verb already seen in Luke 1:21.Reasoned

(διαλογιζομενων). Genitive absolute again. John's preaching about the Messiah and the kingdom of God stirred the people deeply and set them to wondering.Whether haply he were the Christ

(μηποτε αυτος ειη ο Χριστος). Optative ειη in indirect question changed from the indicative in the direct (Robertson, Grammar, p. 1031). John wrought no miracles and was not in David's line and yet he moved people so mightily that they began to suspect that he himself (αυτος) was the Messiah. The Sanhedrin will one day send a formal committee to ask him this direct question (John 1:19).

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Old Testament