Pressed down

(πεπιεσμενον). Perfect passive participle from πιεζω, old verb, but here alone in the N.T., though the Doric form πιαζω, to seize, occurs several times (John 7:30; John 7:32; John 7:44).Shaken together

(σεσαλευμενον). Perfect passive participle again from common verb σαλευω.Running over

(υπερεκχυννομενον). Present middle participle of this double compound verb not found elsewhere save in A Q in Joel 2:24. Χυνω is a late form of χεω. There is asyndeton here, no conjunction connecting these participles. The present here is in contrast to the two preceding perfects. The participles form an epexegesis or explanation of the "good measure" (μετρον καλον). Into your bosom (εις τον κολπον υμων). The fold of the wide upper garment bound by the girdle made a pocket in common use (Exodus 4:6; Proverbs 6:27; Psalms 79:12; Isaiah 65:6; Jeremiah 32:18). So Isaiah 65:7:I will measure their former work unto their bosom. Shall be measured to you again

(αντιμετρηθησετα). Future passive indicative of the verb here only in the N.T. save late MSS. in Matthew 7:2. Even here some MSS. have μετρηθησετα. The αντ has the common meaning of in turn or back, measured back to you in requital.

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Old Testament