Luke 8:1

SOON AFTERWARDS (εν τω καθεξης). In Luke 7:11 we have εν τω εξης. This word means one after the other, successively, but that gives no definite data as to the time, only that this incident in Luke 8:1-3 follows that in Luke 7:36-50. Both in Luke alone.THAT (κα). One of Luke's idioms with κα εγε... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:2

WHICH HAD BEEN HEALED (α ησαν τεθεραπευμενα). Periphrastic past perfect passive, suggesting that the healing had taken place some time before this tour. These women all had personal grounds of gratitude to Jesus.FROM WHOM SEVEN DEVILS (DEMONS) HAD GONE OUT (αφ' ης δαιμονια επτα εξεληλυθε). Past... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:3

JOANNA (Ιωανα). Her husband Χυζα, steward (επιτροπου) of Herod, is held by some to be the nobleman (βασιλικος) of John 4:46-53 who believed and all his house. At any rate Christ had a follower from the household of Herod Antipas who had such curiosity to see and hear him. One may recall also Mana... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:4

BY A PARABLE (δια παραβολης). Mark 4:2 says "in parables" as does Matthew 13:3. This is the beginning of the first great group of parables as given in Mark 4:1-34 and Matthew 13:1-53. There are ten of these parables in Mark and Matthew and only two in Luke 8:4-18 (The Sower and the Lamp, Luke 8:16... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:5

HIS SEED (τον σπορον αυτου). Peculiar to Luke.WAS TRODDEN UNDER FOOT (κατεπατηθη). First aorist passive indicative of καταπατεω. Peculiar to Luke here.OF THE HEAVENS (του ουρανου). Added in Luke.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:6

UPON THE ROCK (επ την πετραν). Mark 4:5 "the rocky ground" (επ το πετρωδες), Matthew 13:5 "the rocky places.AS SOON AS IT GREW (φυεν). Second aorist passive participle of φυω, an old verb to spring up like a sprout.WITHERED AWAY (εξηρανθη). First aorist passive indicative of ζηραινω, old verb... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:7

AMIDST THE THORNS (εν μεσω των ακανθων). Mark 4:7 has εις (among) and Matthew 13:7 has επ "upon."GREW WITH IT (συνφυεισα). Same participle as φυεν above with συν- (together).CHOKED (απεπνιξαν). From αποπνιγω, to choke off as in Matthew 13:7. In Mark 4:7 the verb is συνεπνιξαν (choked together... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:8

A HUNDREDFOLD (εκατονπλασιονα). Luke omits the thirty and sixty of Mark 4:8; Matthew 13:8.HE CRIED (εφωνε). Imperfect active, and in a loud voice, the verb means. The warning about hearing with the ears occurs also in Mark 4:9; Matthew 13:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:9

ASKED (επηρωτων). Imperfect of επερωταω (επ and ερωταω) where Mark 4:10 has ηρωτων (uncompounded imperfect), both the tense and the use of επ indicate eager and repeated questions on the part of the disciples, perhaps dimly perceiving a possible reflection on their own growth.WHAT THIS PARABLE MI... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:10

THE MYSTERIES (τα μυστηρια). See for this word on Matthew 13:11; Mark 4:11. Part of the mystery here explained is how so many people who have the opportunity to enter the kingdom fail to do so because of manifest unfitness.THAT (ινα). Here Mark 4:11 also has ινα while Matthew 13:13 has οτ (becau... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:11

IS THIS (εστιν δε αυτη). Means this. Jesus now proceeds to interpret his own parable.THE SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD (ο σπορος εστιν ο λογος του θεου). The article with both subject and predicate as here means that they are interchangeable and can be turned round: The word of God is the seed. The ph... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:12

THOSE BY THE WAYSIDE (ο παρα την οδον). As in Mark 4:15; Matthew 13:19 so here the people who hear the word = the seed are discussed by metonymy.THE DEVIL (ο διαβολος). The slanderer. Here Mark 4:15 has Satan.FROM THEIR HEART (απο της καρδιας αυτων). Here Mark has "in them." It is the devil's... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:13

WHICH FOR A WHILE BELIEVE (ο προς καιρον πιστευουσιν). Ostensibly they are sincere and have made a real start in the life of faith.THEY FALL AWAY (αφισταντα). Present middle indicative. They stand off, lose interest, stop coming to church, drop out of sight. It is positively amazing the number... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:14

THEY ARE CHOKED (συνπνιγοντα). Present passive indicative of this powerfully vivid compound verb συνπνιγω used in Mark 4:19; Matthew 13:22, only there these worldly weeds choke the word while here the victims themselves are choked. Both are true. Diphtheria will choke and strangle the victim. Who... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:15

IN AN HONEST AND GOOD HEART (εν καρδια καλη κα αγαθη). Peculiar to Luke. In verse Luke 8:8 the land (γην) is called αγαθην (really good, generous) and in verse Luke 8:15 we have εν τη καλη γη ( IN THE BEAUTIFUL OR NOBLE LAND ). So Luke uses both adjectives of the heart. The Greeks used καλος κ' αγ... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:16

WHEN HE HATH LIGHTED A LAMP (λυχνον αψας). It is a portable lamp (λυχνον) that one lights (αψας aorist active participle of απτω, to kindle, fasten to, light).WITH A VESSEL (σκευε, instrumental case of σκευος). Here Mark 4:21 has the more definite figure "under the bushel" as has Matthew 5:15.U... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:17

THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN (ο ου μη γνωσθη). Peculiar to Luke. First aorist passive subjunctive of γινωσκω with the strong double negative ου μη. See on Mark 4:22 for discussion of κρυπτον and αποκρυφον.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:18

HOW YE HEAR (πως ακουετε). The manner of hearing. Mark 4:24 has "what ye hear" (τ ακουετε), the matter that is heard. Both are supremely important. Some things should not be heard at all. Some that are heard should be forgotten. Others should be treasured and practised.FOR WHOSOEVER HATH (Hος α... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:19

HIS MOTHER AND BRETHREN (η μητηρ κα ο αδελφο αυτου). Mark 3:31-35; Matthew 12:46-50 place the visit of the mother and brothers of Jesus before the parable of the sower. Usually Luke follows Mark's order, but he does not do so here. At first the brothers of Jesus (younger sons of Joseph and Mary, I... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:20

WAS TOLD (απηγγελη). Second aorist passive indicative of απαγγελλω, to bring word or tidings. Common verb. See on Mark 3:32 and Matthew 12:47 for details.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:21

THESE WHICH HEAR THE WORD OF GOD AND DO IT (ο τον λογον του θεου ακουοντες κα ποιουντες). The absence of the article with "mother" and "brothers" probably means, as Plummer argues, "Mother to me and brothers to me are those who c." No one is a child of God because of human parentage (John 1:13).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:22

AND THEY LAUNCHED FORTH (κα ανηχθησαν). First aorist passive indicative of αναγω, an old verb, to lead up, to put out to sea (looked at as going up from the land). This nautical sense of the verb occurs only in Luke in the N.T. and especially in the Acts (Acts 13:13; Acts 16:11; Acts 18:21; Acts 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:23

HE FELL ASLEEP (αφυπνωσεν). First aorist (ingressive) active indicative of αφυπνοω, to put to sleep, to fall off to sleep, a late verb for which the older Greek used καθυπνοω. Originally αφυπνοω meant to waken from sleep, then to fall off to sleep (possibly a medical use). This is the only passag... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:24

MASTER, MASTER (Επιστατα, επιστατα). See on Luke 5:5 for discussion. Mark 4:38 hasTEACHER (Διδασκαλε), Matthew 8:25 hasLORD (Κυριε). The repetition here shows the uneasiness of the disciples.WE PERISH (απολλυμεθα). So in Mark 4:38; Matthew 8:25. Linear present middle indicative, we are peri... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:26

THEY ARRIVED (κατεπλευσαν). First aorist active indicative of καταπλεω, common verb, but here only in the N.T. Literally,THEY SAILED DOWN from the sea to the land, the opposite ofLAUNCHED FORTH (ανηχθησαν) of verse Luke 8:22. So we today use like nautical terms, to bear up, to bear down.THE G... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:27

AND FOR A LONG TIME (κα χρονω ικανω). The use of the associative instrumental case in expressions of time is a very old Greek idiom that still appears in the papyri (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527).HE HAD WORN NO CLOTHES (ουκ ενεδυσατο ιματιον). First aorist middle indicative, constative aorist,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:28

FELL DOWN (προσεπεσεν). Second aorist active of προσπιπτω, to fall forward, towards, prostrate before one as here. Common verb. Mark 5:6 has προσεκυνησεν (worshipped).THE MOST HIGH GOD (του θεου του υψιστου). Uncertain whether του θεου genuine or not. But "the Most High" clearly means God as alr... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:29

FOR HE COMMANDED (παρηγγελλεν γαρ). Imperfect active, correct text, for he was commanding.OFTEN TIMES (πολλοις χρονοις). Or "for a long time" like χρονω πολλω of verse Luke 8:27 (see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 537, for the plural here).IT HAD SEIZED (συνηρπακε). Past perfect active of συναρπαζω... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:31

INTO THE ABYSS (εις την αβυσσον). Rare old word common in LXX from α privative and βαθυς (deep). So bottomless place (supply χωρα). The deep sea in Genesis 1:2; Genesis 7:11. The common receptacle of the dead in Romans 10:7 and especially the abode of demons as here and Revelation 9:1-11; Revelati... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:32

A HERD OF MANY SWINE (αγελη χοιρων ικανων). WordHERD (αγελη) old as Homer, but in N.T. only here and parallels (Mark 5:11; Matthew 8:30). Luke shows his fondness for adjective ικανος here again (see verse Luke 8:27) where Mark has μεγαλη and Matthew πολλων.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:33

RUSHED DOWN THE STEEP (ωρμησεν κατα του κρημνου). Ablative with κατα as in Mark 5:13; Matthew 8:32 and the same vivid verb in each account, to hurl impetuously, to rush.WERE CHOKED (απεπνιγη). Second aorist (constative) passive indicative third singular (collective singular) where Mark 5:13 has... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:34

SAW WHAT HAD COME TO PASS (ιδοντες το γεγονος). This item only in Luke. Note the neat Greek idiom το γεγονος, articular second perfect active participle of γινομα. Repeated in verse Luke 8:35 and in Mark 5:14. Note numerous participles here in verse Luke 8:35 as in Mark 5:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:36

HE THAT WAS POSSESSED WITH DEVILS (DEMONS) (only two words in Greek, ο δαιμονισθεις, the demonized).WAS MADE WHOLE (εσωθη). First aorist passive indicative of σωζω to save from σως (safe and sound). This is additional information to the news carried to them in verse Luke 8:34.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:37

WERE HOLDEN WITH GREAT FEAR (φοβω μεγαλω συνειχοντο). Imperfect passive of συνεχω with the instrumental case of φοβος. See a similar use of this vigorous verb in Luke 12:50 of Jesus and in Philippians 1:23 of Paul.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:38

FROM WHOM THE DEVILS (DEMONS) WERE GONE OUT (αφ' ου εξεληλυθε τα δαιμονια). Past perfect active of εξερχομα, state of completion in the past.PRAYED HIM (εδεειτο αυτου). Imperfect middle, kept on begging.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:39

THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE CITY (καθ' ολην την πολιν). Mark 5:20 has it "in Decapolis." He had a great story to tell and he told it with power. The rescue missions in our cities can match this incident with cases of great sinners who have made witnesses for Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:40

WELCOMED (απεδεξατο). Peculiar to Luke. To receive with pleasure, from αποδεχομα, a common verb.FOR THEY WERE ALL WAITING FOR HIM (ησαν γαρ παντες προσδοκωντες αυτον). Periphrastic imperfect active ofPROSDOKAO , an old verb for eager expectancy, a vivid picture of the attitude of the people t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:41

WAS (υπηρχεν). Imperfect of υπαρχω in sense of ην as in modern Greek. Common in Luke, and Acts, but not in other Gospels.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:42

AN ONLY DAUGHTER (θυγατηρ μονογενης). The same adjective used of the widow's son (Luke 7:12) and the epileptic boy (Luke 9:38) and of Jesus (John 1:18; John 3:16).SHE LAY A DYING (απεθνησκεν). Imperfect active, she was dying. Matthew 9:18 has it that she has just died.THRONGED (συνεπνιγον). I... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:43

HAD SPENT ALL HER LIVING UPON PHYSICIANS (εις ιατρους προσαναλωσασα ολον τον βιον). First aorist active participle of an old verb προσαναλισκω, only here in the N.T. But Westcott and Hort reject this clause because it is not in B D Syriac Sinaitic. Whether genuine or not, the other clause in Mark... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:44

THE BORDER OF HIS GARMENT (του κρασπεδου του ιματιου). Probably the tassel of the overgarment. Of the four corners two were in front and two behind. See on Matthew 9:20.STANCHED (εστη). Second aorist active indicative,STOPPED at once (effective aorist).... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:45

PRESS THEE AND CRUSH THEE (συνεχουσιν σε κα αποθλιβουσιν). Hold thee together, hold thee in (συνεχω, see verse Luke 8:37).CRUSH THEE (αποθλιβω) here only in the N.T., a verb used of pressing out grapes in Diodorus and Josephus. Mark 5:31 has συνθλιβω, to press together.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:46

FOR I PERCEIVED THAT POWER HAD GONE FORTH FROM ME (εγω γαρ εγνων δυναμιν εξεληλυθυιαν απ' εμου). Εγνων is second aorist active indicative of γινωσκω, knowledge by personal experience as here. It is followed by the second perfect active participle εξεληλυθυιαν in indirect discourse (Robertson, _Gr... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:47

TREMBLING (τρεμουσα). Vivid touch of the feeling of this sensitive woman who now had to tell everybody of her cure, "in the presence of all the people" (ενωπιον παντος του λαου). She faced the widest publicity for her secret cure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:49

FROM THE RULER OF THE SYNAGOGUE'S HOUSE (παρα του αρχισυναγωγου). The word "house" is not in the Greek here as in Mark 5:35 where απο is used rather than παρα, as here. But the ruler himself had come to Jesus (Luke 8:41) and this is the real idea. Trouble not (μηκετ σκυλλε). See on Luke 7:6 for t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:50

AND SHE SHALL BE MADE WHOLE (κα σωθησετα). This promise in addition to the words in Mark 5:36. See there for discussion of details.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:53

KNOWING THAT SHE WAS DEAD (ειδοτες οτ απεθανεν). That she died (απεθανεν), second aorist active indicative of αποθνησκω.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:54

CALLED (εφωνησεν). Certainly not to wake up the dead, but to make it plain to all that she rose in response to his elevated tone of voice. Some think that the remark of Jesus in verse Luke 8:52 (Mark 5:39; Matthew 9:24) proves that she was not really dead, but only in a trance. It matters little.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 8:55

HER SPIRIT RETURNED (επεστρεψεν το πνευμα αυτης). The life came back to her at once.BE GIVEN HER TO EAT (αυτη δοθηνα φαγειν). The first infinitive δοθηνα is an indirect command. The second φαγειν (second aorist active of εσθιω) is epexegetic purpose.... [ Continue Reading ]

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