Soon afterwards

(εν τω καθεξης). In Luke 7:11 we have εν τω εξης. This word means one after the other, successively, but that gives no definite data as to the time, only that this incident in Luke 8:1-3 follows that in Luke 7:36-50. Both in Luke alone.That

(κα). One of Luke's idioms with κα εγενετο like Hebrew wav. Went about (διωδευεν). Imperfect active of διοδευω, to make one's way through (δια, οδος), common in late Greek writers. In the N.T. here only and Acts 17:1.Through cities and villages

(κατα πολιν κα κωμην). Distributive use of κατα (up and down). The clause is amphibolous and goes equally well with διωδευεν or with κηρυσσων (heralding) κα ευαγγελιζομενος (evangelizing, gospelizing). This is the second tour of Galilee, this time the Twelve with him.

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Old Testament