In an honest and good heart

(εν καρδια καλη κα αγαθη). Peculiar to Luke. In verse Luke 8:8 the land (γην) is called αγαθην (really good, generous) and in verse Luke 8:15 we have εν τη καλη γη ( in the beautiful or noble land ). So Luke uses both adjectives of the heart. The Greeks used καλος κ' αγαθος of the high-minded gentleman. It is probable that Luke knew this idiom. It occurs here alone in the N.T. It is not easy to translate. We have such phrases as "good and true," "sound and good," "right and good," no one of which quite suits the Greek. Certainly Luke adds new moral qualities not in the Hellenic phrase. The English word "honest" here is like the Latin honestus (fair, noble). The words are to be connected with "hold fast" (κατεχουσιν), "hold it down" so that the devil does not snatch it away, having depth of soil so that it does not shrivel up under the sun, and is not choked by weeds and thorns. It bears fruit (καρποφορουσιν, an old expressive verb, καρπος and φορεω). That is the proof of spiritual life.In patience

(εν υπομονη). There is no other way for real fruit to come. Mushrooms spring up overnight, but they are usually poisonous. The best fruits require time, cultivation, patience.

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Old Testament