Mark 10:1

INTO THE BORDER OF JUDEA AND BEYOND JORDAN (εις τα ορια της Ιουδαιας κα περαν του Ιορδανου). See on Matthew 19:1 for discussion of this curious expression. Matthew adds "from Galilee" and Luke 17:11 says that Jesus "was passing through the midst of Samaria and Galilee" after leaving Ephraim (John... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:2

TEMPTING HIM (πειραζοντες). As soon as Jesus appears in Galilee the Pharisees attack him again (cf. Mark 7:5; Mark 8:11). Gould thinks that this is a test, not a temptation. The word means either (see on Matthew 4:1), but their motive was evil. They had once involved the Baptist with Herod Antipa... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:3

WHAT DID MOSES COMMAND YOU? (Τ υμιν ενετειλατο Μωυσησ;). Jesus at once brought up the issue concerning the teaching of Moses (Deuteronomy 24:1). But Jesus goes back beyond this concession here allowed by Moses to the ideal state commanded in Genesis 1:27.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:4

TO WRITE A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT AND TO PUT HER AWAY (βιβλιον αποστασιου γραψα κα απολυσα). The word for "bill" (βιβλιον) is a diminutive and means "little book," like the Latin _libellus_, from which comes our word _libel_ (Vincent). Wycliff has it here "a libel of forsaking." This same point the P... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:11

Mark does not give the exception stated in Matthew 19:9 "except for fornication" which see for discussion, though the point is really involved in what Mark does record. Mere formal divorce does not annul actual marriage consummated by the physical union. Breaking that bond does annul it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:12

IF SHE HERSELF SHALL PUT AWAY HER HUSBAND AND MARRY ANOTHER (εαν αυτη απολυσασα τον ανδρα αυτης γαμηση). Condition of the third class (undetermined, but with prospect of determination). Greek and Roman law allowed the divorce of the husband by the wife though not provided for in Jewish law. But t... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:13

THEY BROUGHT (προσεφερον). Imperfect active tense, implying repetition. So also Luke 18:15, though Matthew 19:13 has the constative aorist passive (προσηνεχθησαν). "This incident follows with singular fitness after the Lord's assertion of the sanctity of married life" (Swete). These children (παι... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:14

HE WAS MOVED WITH INDIGNATION (ηγανακτησεν). In Mark alone. The word is ingressive aorist, became indignant, and is a strong word of deep emotion (from αγαν and αχθομα, to feel pain). Already in Matthew 21:15; Matthew 26:8. Old and common word.SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME (αφετε τ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:15

AS A LITTLE CHILD (ως παιδιον). How does a little child receive the kingdom of God? The little child learns to obey its parents simply and uncomplainingly. There are some new psychologists who argue against teaching obedience to children. The results have not been inspiring. Jesus here presents t... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:16

HE TOOK THEM IN HIS ARMS (εναγκαλισαμενος). A distinct rebuke to the protest of the over-particular disciples. This word already in Mark 9:36. In Luke 2:28 we have the full idiom, to receive into the arms (εις τας αγκαλας δεχεσθα). So with tender fondling Jesus repeatedly blessed (κατευλογε, impe... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:17

RAN (προσδραμων). Jesus had left the house (Mark 10:10) and was proceeding with the caravan on the way (εις οδον) when this ruler eagerly ran and kneeled (γονυπετησας) and was asking (επηρωτα, imperfect) Jesus about his problem. Both these details alone in Mark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:18

WHY CALLEST THOU ME GOOD? (Τ με λεγεις αγαθον;). So Luke 18:19; Matthew 19:17 has it: "Why asketh thou concerning that which is good? "The young ruler was probably sincere and not using mere fulsome compliment, but Jesus challenges him to define his attitude towards him as was proper. Did he mean... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:21

LOOKING UPON HIM LOVED HIM (εμβλεψας αυτω ηγαπησεν). Mark alone mentions this glance of affection, ingressive aorist participle and verb. Jesus fell in love with this charming youth.ONE THING THOU LACKEST (Hεν σε υστερε). Luke 18:22 has it: "One thing thou lackest yet" (Ετ εν σο λειπε). Possibly... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:22

BUT HIS COUNTENANCE FELL (ο δε στυγνασας). In the LXX and Polybius once and in Matthew 16:3 (passage bracketed by Westcott and Hort). The verb is from στυγνος, sombre, gloomy, like a lowering cloud. See on Matthew 19:22 for discussion of "sorrowful" (λυπουμενος).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:23

LOOKED ROUND ABOUT (περιβλεψαμενος). Another picture of the looks of Jesus and in Mark alone as in Mark 3:5; Mark 3:34. "To see what impression the incident had made on the Twelve" (Bruce). "When the man was gone the Lord's eye swept round the circle of the Twelve, as he drew for them the lesson... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:24

WERE AMAZED (εθαμβουντο). Imperfect passive. A look of blank astonishment was on their faces at this statement of Jesus. They in common with other Jews regarded wealth as a token of God's special favour.CHILDREN (τεκνα). Here alone to the Twelve and this tender note is due to their growing perp... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:25

NEEDLE'S EYE (τρυμαλιας ραφιδος). See on Matthew 19:24 for discussion. Luke uses the surgical needle, βελονης. Matthew has the word ραφις like Mark from ραπτω, to sew, and it appears in the papyri. Both Matthew and Luke employ τρηματος for eye, a perforation or hole from τιτραω, to bore. Mark's w... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:26

THEN WHO (κα τις). Matthew 19:25 has Τις ουν. Evidently κα has here an inferential sense like ουν.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:27

LOOKING ON THEM (εμβλεψας αυτοις). So in Matthew 19:26. Their amazement increased (Mark 10:26).BUT NOT WITH GOD (αλλ' ου παρα θεω). Locative case with παρα (beside). The impossible by the side of men (παρα ανθρωποις) becomes possible by the side of God. That is the whole point and brushes to on... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:28

PETER BEGAN TO SAY (ηρξατο λεγειν ο Πετρος). It was hard for Peter to hold in till now. Matthew 19:27 says that "Peter answered" as if the remark was addressed to him in particular. At any rate Peter reminds Jesus of what they had left to follow him, four of them that day by the sea (Mark 1:20; M... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:30

WITH PERSECUTIONS (μετα διωγμων). This extra touch is in Mark alone. There is a reminiscence of some of "the apocalyptic of the familiar descriptions of the blessings of the Messianic kingdom. But Jesus uses such language from the religious idiom of this time only to idealize it" (Gould). The apo... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:32

AND THEY WERE AMAZED (κα εθαμβουντο). Imperfect tense describing the feelings of the disciples as Jesus was walking on in front of them (ην προαγων αυτους, periphrastic imperfect active), an unusual circumstance in itself that seemed to bode no good as they went on through Perea towards Jerusalem... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:35

THERE COME NEAR UNTO HIM JAMES AND JOHN (κα προσπορευοντα Ιακωβος κα Ιωανης). Dramatic present tense. Matthew has τοτε, then, showing that the request of the two brothers with their mother (Matthew 20:20) comes immediately after the talk about Christ's death.WE WOULD (θελομεν). We wish, we want... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:37

IN THY GLORY (εν τη δοξη). Matthew 20:21 has "in thy kingdom." See on Matthew 20:20 for the literal interpretation of Matthew 19:28. They are looking for a grand Jewish world empire with apocalyptic features in the eschatological culmination of the Messiah's kingdom. That dream brushed aside all... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:38

OR BE BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM THAT I AM BAPTIZED WITH (η το βαπτισμα ο εγω βαπτιζομα βαπτισθηνα). Cognate accusative with both passive verbs. Matthew 20:22 has only the cup, but Mark has both the cup and the baptism, both referring to death. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane will refer to his de... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:39

See on Matthew 20:23-28 for discussion on these memorable verses (Mark 10:39-45) identical in both Matthew and Mark. In particular in verse Mark 10:45 note the language of Jesus concerning his death as "a ransom for many" (λυτρον αντ πολλων), words of the Master that were not understood by the apost... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:46

FROM JERICHO (απο Ιερειχω). See on Matthew 20:29 for discussion of this phrase and Luke's (Luke 18:35) "nigh unto Jericho" and the two Jerichos, the old and the new Roman (Luke). The new Jericho was "about five miles W. of the Jordan and fifteen E. of Jerusalem, near the mouth of the _Wady Kelt_,... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:48

REBUKED HIM (επετιμων αυτω). Imperfect tense. Kept rebuking repeatedly. So Luke 18:39. Aorist tense in Matthew 20:31.SHOULD HOLD HIS PEACE (σιωπηση). Ingressive aorist subjunctive, become silent.THE MORE A GREAT DEAL (πολλω μαλλον). So Luke 18:39. Only μειζον in Matthew 20:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:49

STOOD STILL (στας). Second aorist active ingressive participle. So Matthew 20:32; Luke 18:40 has σταθεις, aorist passive participle.HE CALLETH THEE (φωνε σε). That was joyful news to Bartimaeus. Vivid dramatic presents here in Mark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:50

CASTING AWAY HIS GARMENT (αποβαλων το ιματιον αυτου). Second aorist active participle. Outer robe in his haste.SPRANG UP (αναπηδησας). Leaping up, vivid details again in Mark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:51

THAT I SHOULD DO (ποιησω). Neat Greek idiom with aorist subjunctive without ινα after θελεις. For this asyndeton (or parataxis) see Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 430.RABBONI (Ραββουνε). The Aramaic word translated Lord (Kurie) in Matthew 20:33 and Luke 18:41. This very form occurs again in John 20:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:52

FOLLOWED (ηκολουθε). Imperfect tense picturing joyful Bartimaeus as he followed the caravan of Jesus into the new Jericho.MADE THEE WHOLE (σεσωκεν). Perfect active indicative. The word commonly meansSAVE and that may be the idea here.... [ Continue Reading ]

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