Into the border of Judea and beyond Jordan

(εις τα ορια της Ιουδαιας κα περαν του Ιορδανου). See on Matthew 19:1 for discussion of this curious expression. Matthew adds "from Galilee" and Luke 17:11 says that Jesus "was passing through the midst of Samaria and Galilee" after leaving Ephraim (John 11:54). A great deal has intervened between the events at the close of Mark 9 and those in the beginning of Mark 10. For these events see Mark 10:18; Mark 10:7-11; Luke 9:57-18 (one-third of Luke's Gospel comes in here). It was a little over six months to the end at the close of Mark 9. It is just a few weeks now in Mark 10. Jesus has begun his last journey to Jerusalem going north through Samaria, Galilee, across the Jordan into Perea, and back into Judea near Jericho to go up with the passover pilgrims from Galilee.Multitudes

(οχλο). Caravans and caravans journeying to Jerusalem. Many of them are followers of Jesus from Galilee or at least kindly disposed towards him. They go together (συνπορευοντα) with Jesus. Note dramatic historical present.As he was wont

(ως ειωθε). Second past perfect used like an imperfect from ειωθα, second perfect active. Jesuswas teaching

(εδιδασκεν, imperfect, no longer present tense) this moving caravan.

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Old Testament