To write a bill of divorcement and to put her away

(βιβλιον αποστασιου γραψα κα απολυσα). The word for "bill" (βιβλιον) is a diminutive and means "little book," like the Latin libellus, from which comes our word libel (Vincent). Wycliff has it here "a libel of forsaking." This same point the Pharisees raise in Matthew 19:7, showing probably that they held to the liberal view of Hillel, easy divorce for almost any cause. That was the popular view as now. See on Matthew 19:7 for this and for discussion of "for your hardness of heart" (σκληροκαρδια). Jesus expounds the purpose of marriage (Genesis 2:24) and takes the stricter view of divorce, that of the school of Shammai. See on Matthew 19:1-12 for discussion. Mark 10:10 notes that the disciples asked Jesus about this problem "in the house" after they had gone away from the crowd.

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Old Testament