Called unto him

(προσκαλεσαμενος). Indirect middle voice. The disciples themselves had slipped away from him while the terrific denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees had gone on, puzzled at this turn of affairs.More than all

(πλειον παντων). Ablative of comparison (παντων). It may mean, more than all the rich put together.All that she had

(παντα οσα ειχεν). Imperfect tense.Cast in

(εβαλεν). Aorist tense, in sharp contrast.All her living

(ολον τον βιον αυτης). Herlivelihood

(βιος), not her life (ζωη). It is a tragedy to see a stingy saint pose as giving the widow's mite when he could give thousands instead of pennies.

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Old Testament