Mark 14:1

AFTER TWO DAYS (μετα δυο ημερας). This was Tuesday evening as we count time (beginning of the Jewish Wednesday). In Matthew 26:2 Jesus is reported as naming this same date which would put it our Thursday evening, beginning of the Jewish Friday. The Gospel of John mentions five items that superfic... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:2

NOT DURING THE FEAST (Μη εν τη εορτη). They had first planned to kill him at the feast (John 11:57), but the Triumphal Entry and great Tuesday debate (this very morning) in the temple had made them decide to wait till after the feast was over. It was plain that Jesus had too large and powerful a... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:3

AS HE SAT AT MEAT (κατακειμενου αυτου). Matthew 26:7 uses ανακειμενου, both words meaning reclining (leaning down or up or back) and in the genitive absolute. See on Matthew 26:6 in proof that this is a different incident from that recorded in Luke 7:36-50. See on Matthew 26:6-13 for discussion o... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:5

ABOVE THREE HUNDRED PENCE (επανω δηναριων τριακοσιων). Matthew has "for much" while John 12:5 has "for three hundred pence." The use of "far above" may be a detail from Peter's memory of Judas' objection whose name in this connection is preserved in John 12:4.AND THEY MURMURED AGAINST HER (κα εν... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:8

SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD (ο εσχεν εποιησεν). This alone in Mark. Two aorists. Literally, "what she had she did." Mary could not comprehend the Lord's death, but she at least showed her sympathy with him and some understanding of the coming tragedy, a thing that not one of her critics had done... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:9

FOR A MEMORIAL OF HER (εις μνημοσυνον αυτης). So in Matthew 26:13. There are many mausoleums that crumble to decay. But this monument to Jesus fills the whole world still with its fragrance. What a hint there is here for those who wish to leave permanent memorials.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:10

HE THAT WAS ONE OF THE TWELVE (ο εις των δωδεκα). Note the article here, "the one of the twelve," Matthew has only εις, "one." Some have held that Mark here calls Judas the primate among the twelve. Rather he means to call attention to the idea that he was the one of the twelve who did this deed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:11

AND THEY, WHEN THEY HEARD IT, WERE GLAD (ο δε ακουσαντες εχαρησαν). No doubt the rabbis looked on the treachery of Judas as a veritable dispensation of Providence amply justifying their plots against Jesus.CONVENIENTLY (ευκαιρως). This was the whole point of the offer of Judas. He claimed that... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:12

WHEN THEY SACRIFICED THE PASSOVER (οτε το πασχα εθυον). Imperfect indicative, customary practice. The paschal lamb (note πασχα) was slain at 6 P.M., beginning of the fifteenth of the month (Exodus 12:6), but the preparations were made beforehand on the fourteenth (Thursday). See on Matthew 26:17... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:13

TWO OF HIS DISCIPLES (δυο των μαθητων αυτου). Luke 22:8 names them, Peter and John.BEARING A PITCHER OF WATER (κεραμιον υδατος βασταζων). This item also in Luke, but not in Matthew.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:14

THE GOODMAN OF THE HOUSE (τω οικοδεσποτη). A non-classical word, but in late papyri. It means master (δεσποτ) of the house, householder. The usual Greek has two separate words, οικου δεσποτης (master of the house).MY GUEST-CHAMBER (το καταλυμα μου). In LXX, papyri, and modern Greek for lodging-... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:15

AND HE (κα αυτος). Emphatic, and he himself.A LARGE UPPER ROOM (αναγαιον μεγα). Anything above ground (γη), and particularly upstairs as here. Here and in Luke 22:12. Example in Xenophon. Jesus wishes to observe this last feast with his disciples alone, not with others as was often done. Eviden... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:17

HE COMETH (ερχετα). Dramatic historical present. It is assumed here that Jesus is observing the passover meal at the regular time and hour, at 6 P.M. at the beginning of the fifteenth (evening of our Thursday, beginning of Jewish Friday). Mark and Matthew note the time as evening and state it as... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:18

AS THEY SAT (ανακειμενων αυτων). Reclined, of course. It is a pity that these verbs are not translated properly in English. Even Leonardo da Vinci in his immortal painting of the Last Supper has Jesus and his apostles sitting, not reclining. Probably he took an artist's license for effect.EVEN HE... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:20

ONE OF THE TWELVE (εις των δωδεκα). It is as bad as that. The sign that Jesus gave,THE ONE DIPPING IN THE DISH WITH ME (ο εμβαπτομενος μετ' εμου εις το τρυβλιον), escaped the notice of all. Jesus gave the sop to Judas who understood perfectly that Jesus knew his purpose. See on Matthew 26:21-24... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:23

A CUP (ποτηριον). Probably the ordinary wine of the country mixed with two-thirds water, though the word for wine (οινος) is not used here in the Gospels, but "the fruit of the vine" (εκ του γενηματος της αμπελου). See Matthew 26:26-29 for discussion of important details. Mark and Matthew give su... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:29

YET WILL NOT I (αλλ' ουκ εγω). Mark records here Peter's boast of loyalty even though all desert him. All the Gospels tell it. See discussion on Matthew 26:33.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:30

TWICE (δις). This detail only in Mark. One crowing is always the signal for more. The Fayum papyrus agrees with Mark in having δις. The cock-crowing marks the third watch of the night (Mark 13:35).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:31

EXCEEDING VEHEMENTLY (εκπερισσως). This strong compounded adverb only in Mark and probably preserves Peter's own statement of the remark. About the boast of Peter see on Matthew 26:35.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:32

WHICH WAS NAMED (ου το ονομα). Literally, "whose name was." On Gethsemane see on Matthew 26:36.WHILE I PRAY (εως προσευξωμα). Aorist subjunctive with εως really with purpose involved, a common idiom. Matthew adds "go yonder" (απελθων εκε).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:33

GREATLY AMAZED AND SORE TROUBLED (εκθαμβεισθα κα αδημονειν). Matthew 26:37 has "sorrowful and sore troubled." See on Matt. about αδημονειν. Mark alone uses εξθαμβεισθα (here and in Mark 9:15). There is a papyrus example given by Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_. The verb θαμβεω occurs in Mark 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:35

FELL ON THE GROUND (επιπτεν επ της γης). Descriptive imperfect. See him falling. Matthew has the aorist επεσεν.PRAYED (προσηυχετο). Imperfect, prayed repeatedly or inchoative, began to pray. Either makes good sense.THE HOUR (η ωρα). Jesus had long looked forward to this "hour" and had often m... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:36

ABBA, FATHER (Αββα ο πατηρ). Both Aramaic and Greek and the article with each. This is not a case of translation, but the use of both terms as is Galatians 4:6, a probable memory of Paul's childhood prayers. About "the cup" see on Matthew 26:39. It is not possible to take the language of Jesus as... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:37

SIMON, SLEEPEST THOU? (Σιμων, καθευδεισ;). The old name, not the new name, Peter. Already his boasted loyalty was failing in the hour of crisis. Jesus fully knows the weakness of human flesh (see on Matthew 26:41).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:40

VERY HEAVY (καταβαρυνομενο). Perfective use of κατα- with the participle. Matthew has the simple verb. Mark's word is only here in the N.T. and is rare in Greek writers. Mark has the vivid present passive participle, while Matthew has the perfect passive βεβαρημενο.AND THEY WIST NOT WHAT TO ANSWE... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:41

IT IS ENOUGH (απεχε). Alone in Mark. This impersonal use is rare and has puzzled expositors no little. The papyri (Deissmann's _Light from the Ancient East_ and Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_) furnish many examples of it as a receipt for payment in full. See also Matthew 6:2; Luke 6:24; Phili... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:43

AND THE SCRIBES (κα των γραμματεων). Mark adds this item while John 18:3 mentions "Pharisees." It was evidently a committee of the Sanhedrin for Judas had made his bargain with the Sanhedrin (Mark 14:1; Matthew 26:3; Luke 22:2). See discussion of the betrayal and arrest on Matthew 26:47-56 for de... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:44

TOKEN (συσσημον). A common word in the ancient Greek for a concerted signal according to agreement. It is here only in the New Testament. Matthew 26:48 has σημειον, sign. The signal was the kiss by Judas, a contemptible desecration of a friendly salutation.AND LEAD HIM AWAY SAFELY (κα απαγετε α... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:47

A CERTAIN ONE (εις τις). Mark does not tell that it was Peter. Only John 18:10 does that after Peter's death. He really tried to kill the man, Malchus by name, as John again tells (John 18:10). Mark does not give the rebuke to Peter by Jesus in Matthew 26:52.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:48

AGAINST A ROBBER (επ ληιστην). Highway robbers like Barabbas were common and were often regarded as heroes. Jesus will be crucified between two robbers in the very place that Barabbas would have occupied.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:51

A CERTAIN YOUNG MAN (νεανισκος τις). This incident alone in Mark. It is usually supposed that Mark himself, son of Mary (Acts 12:12) in whose house they probably had observed the passover meal, had followed Jesus and the apostles to the Garden. It is a lifelike touch quite in keeping with such a... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:52

LINEN CLOTH (σινδονα). An old Greek word of unknown origin. It was fine linen cloth used often for wrapping the dead (Matthew 27:59; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53). In this instance it could have been a fine sheet or even a shirt.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:54

PETER HAD FOLLOWED HIM AFAR OFF (Hο Πετρος απο μακροθεν ηκολουθησεν αυτω). Here Mark uses the constative aorist (ηκολουθησεν) where Matthew 26:58, and Luke 22:54 have the picturesque imperfect (ηκολουθε), was following. Possibly Mark did not care to dwell on the picture of Peter furtively followi... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:56

THEIR WITNESS AGREED NOT TOGETHER (ισα α μαρτυρια ουκ ησαν). Literally, the testimonies were not equal. They did not correspond with each other on essential points.MANY WERE BEARING FALSE WITNESS (εψευδομαρτυρουν, imperfect, repeated action)AGAINST HIM . No two witnesses bore joint testimony... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:57

BARE FALSE WITNESS (εψευδομαρτυρουν). In desperation some attempted once more (conative imperfect).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:58

MADE WITH HANDS (χειροποιητον). In Mark alone. An old Greek word. The negative form αχειροποιητον here occurs elsewhere only in 2 Corinthians 5:1; Colossians 2:11. In Hebrews 9:11 the negative ου is used with the positive form. It is possible that a real λογιον of Jesus underlies the perversion of... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:60

STOOD UP IN THE MIDST (αναστας εις μεσον). Second aorist active participle. For greater solemnity he arose to make up by bluster the lack of evidence. The high priest stepped out into the midst as if to attack Jesus by vehement questions. See on Matthew 26:59-68 for details here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:61

AND ANSWERED NOTHING (κα ουκ απεκρινατο ουδεν). Mark adds the negative statement to the positive "kept silent" (εσιωπα), imperfect, also in Matthew. Mark does not give the solemn oath in Matthew under which Jesus had to answer. See on Matthew.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:62

I AM (εγο ειμ). Matthew has it, "Thou hast said," which is the equivalent of the affirmative. But Mark's statement is definite beyond controversy. See on Matthew 26:64-68 for the claims of Jesus and the conduct of Caiaphas.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:64

THEY ALL (ο δε παντες). This would mean that Joseph of Arimathea was not present since he did not consent to the death of Jesus (Luke 23:51). Nicodemus was apparently absent also, probably not invited because of previous sympathy with Jesus (John 7:50). But all who were present voted for the deat... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:65

COVER HIS FACE (περικαλυπτειν αυτου το προσωπον). Put a veil around his face. Not in Matthew, but in Luke 22:64 where Revised Version translates περικαλυψαντες by "blind-folded." All three Gospels give the jeering demand of the Sanhedrin: "Prophesy" (προφητευσον), meaning, as Matthew and Luke add,... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:66

BENEATH IN THE COURT (κατω εν τη αυλη). This implies that Jesus was upstairs when the Sanhedrin met. Matthew 22:69 has itWITHOUT IN THE COURT (εξω εν τη αυλη). Both are true. The open court was outside of the rooms and also below.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:67

WARMING HIMSELF (θερμαινομενον). Mark mentions this fact about Peter twice (Mark 14:54; Mark 14:67) as does John (John 18:18; John 18:25). He was twice beside the fire. It is quite difficult to relate clearly the three denials as told in the Four Gospels. Each time several may have joined in, bot... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:68

I NEITHER KNOW NOR UNDERSTAND (ουτε οιδα ουτε επισταμα). This denial is fuller in Mark, briefest in John.WHAT THOU SAYEST (συ τ λεγεις). Can be understood as a direct question. Note position ofTHOU (συ), proleptical.INTO THE PORCH (εις το προαυλιον). Only here in the New Testament. Plato us... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:69

TO THEM THAT STOOD BY (τοις παρεστωσιν). This talk about Peter was overheard by him. "This fellow (ουτος) is one of them." So in verse Mark 14:70 the talk is directly to Peter as in Matthew 26:73, but in Luke 22:59 it is about him. Soon the bystanders (ο παρεστωτες) will join in the accusation to... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:71

CURSE (αναθεματιζειν). Our word _anathema_ (ανα, θεμα, an offering, then something devoted or a curse). Finally the two meanings were distinguished by αναθημα for offering and αναθεμα for curse. Deissmann has found examples at Megara of αναθεμα in the sense of curse. Hence the distinction observe... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 14:72

CALLED TO MIND (ανεμνησθη). First aorist passive indicative. Matthew 26:75 has the uncompounded verb εμνησθη while Luke 22:61 has another compound υπεμνησθη, was reminded.WHEN HE THOUGHT THEREON (επιβαλων). Second aorist active participle of επιβαλλω. It is used absolutely here, though there is... [ Continue Reading ]

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