Mark 15:1

IN THE MORNING (πρω). The ratification meeting after day. See on Matthew 26:1-5 for details.HELD A CONSULTATION (συμβουλιον ποιησαντες). So text of Westcott and Hort (Vulgate _consilium facientes_), though they give ετοιμασαντες in the margin. The late and rare word συμβουλιον is like the Latin... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:2

ART THOU THE KING OF THE JEWS? (Συ ε ο βασιλευς των Ιουδαιων;). This is the only one of the charges made by the Sanhedrin to Pilate (Luke 23:2) that he notices. He does not believe this one to be true, but he has to pay attention to it or be liable to charges himself of passing over a man accused... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:3

ACCUSED HIM OF MANY THINGS (κατηγορουν αυτου πολλα). Imperfect tense, repeated accusations besides those already made. They let loose their venom against Jesus. One of the common verbs for speaking against in court (κατα and αγορευω). It is used with the genitive of the person and the accusative... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:5

MARVELLED (θαυμαζειν). Pilate was sure of the innocence of Jesus and saw through their envy (Mark 15:10), but he was hoping that Jesus would answer these charges to relieve him of the burden. He marvelled also at the self-control of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:6

USED TO RELEASE (απελυεν). Imperfect tense of customary action where Matthew 27:15 has the verb ειωθε (was accustomed to).THEY ASKED OF HIM (παρηιτουντο). Imperfect middle, expressing their habit also.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:7

BOUND WITH THEM THAT HAD MADE INSURRECTION (μετα των στασιαστων δεδεμενος). A desperate criminal, leader in the insurrection, sedition (εν τη στασε), or revolution against Rome, the very thing that the Jews up at Bethsaida Julias had wanted Jesus to lead (John 6:15). Barabbas was the leader of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:8

AS HE WAS WONT TO DO UNTO THEM (καθως εποιε αυτοις). Imperfect of customary action again and dative case.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:9

THE KING OF THE JEWS (τον βασιλεα των Ιουδαιων). That phrase from this charge sharpened the contrast between Jesus and Barabbas which is bluntly put in Matthew 27:17 "Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ." See discussion there.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:10

HE PERCEIVED (εγινωσκεν). Imperfect tense descriptive of Pilate's growing apprehension from their conduct which increased his intuitive impression at the start. It was gradually dawning on him. Both Mark and Matthew give "envy" (φθονον) as the primary motive of the Sanhedrin. Pilate probably had... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:11

STIRRED UP (ανεσεισαν).SHOOK UP like an earthquake (σεισμος). Matthew 27:20 has a weaker word, "persuaded" (επεισαν). Effective aorist indicative. The priests and scribes had amazing success. If one wonders why the crowd was fickle, he may recall that this was not yet the same people who followe... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:12

WHOM YE CALL THE KING OF THE JEWS (ον λεγετε τον βασιλεα των Ιουδαιων). Pilate rubs it in on the Jews (cf. verse Mark 15:9). The "then" (ουν) means since you have chosen Barabbas instead of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:13

CRUCIFY HIM (Σταυρωσον αυτον). Luke 23:21 repeats the verb. Matthew 27:22 has it, "Let him be crucified." There was a chorus and a hubbub of confused voices all demanding crucifixion for Christ. Some of the voices beyond a doubt had joined in the hallelujahs to the Son of David in the triumphal e... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:15

TO CONTENT THE MULTITUDE (τω οχλω το ικανον ποιησα). A Latin idiom (_satisfacere alicui_), to do what is sufficient to remove one's ground of complaint. This same phrase occurs in Polybius, Appian, Diogenes Laertes, and in late papyri. Pilate was afraid of this crowd now completely under the cont... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:16

THE PRAETORIUM (πραιτωριον). In Matthew 27:27 this same word is translated "palace." That is its meaning here also, the palace in which the Roman provincial governor resided. In Philippians 1:13 it means the Praetorian Guard in Rome. Mark mentions here "the court" (της αυλης) inside of the palace... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:17

PURPLE (πορφυραν). Matthew 27:28 has "scarlet robe" which see for discussion as well as for the crown of thorns.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:19

WORSHIPPED HIM (προσεκυνουν). In mockery. Imperfect tense as are ετυπτον (smote) and ενεπτυον (did spit upon). Repeated indignities.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:20

THEY LEAD HIM OUT (εξαγουσιν αυτον). Vivid historical present after imperfects in verse Mark 15:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:21

THEY COMPEL (αγγαρευουσιν). Dramatic present indicative again where Matthew 27:32 has the aorist. For this Persian word see on Matthew 5:41; Matthew 27:32.COMING OUT OF THE COUNTRY (ερχομενον απ' αγρου). Hence Simon met the procession. Mark adds that he was "the father of Alexander and Rufus." P... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:22

THEY BRING HIM (φερουσιν αυτον). Historical present again. See on Matthew 27:33 for discussion of Golgotha.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:23

THEY OFFERED HIM (εδιδουν αυτω). Imperfect tense where Matthew has the aorist εδωκαν.MINGLED WITH MYRRH (εσμυρνισμενον). Perfect passive participle. The verb means flavoured with myrrh, myrrhed wine. It is not inconsistent with Matthew 27:34 "mingled with gall," which see.BUT HE RECEIVED IT NOT... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:24

WHAT EACH SHOULD TAKE (τις τ αρη). Only in Mark. Note double interrogative, Who What? The verb αρη is first aorist active deliberative subjunctive retained in the indirect question. The details in Mark 15:24-32 are followed closely by Matthew 27:35-44. See there for discussion of details.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:25

THE THIRD HOUR (ωρα τριτη). This is Jewish time and would be nine A.M. The trial before Pilate was the sixth hour Roman time (John 19:14), six A.M.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:26

THE SUPERSCRIPTION (η επιγραφη). The writing upon the top of the cross (our word epigraph). Luke 23:38 has this same word, but Matthew 27:37 has "accusation" (αιτιαν). See Matthew for discussion. John 19:19 has "title" (τιτλον).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:32

NOW COME DOWN (καταβατω νυν). Now that he is nailed to the cross.THAT WE MAY SEE AND BELIEVE (ινα ιδωμεν κα πιστευσωμεν). Aorist subjunctive of purpose with ινα. They use almost the very language of Jesus in their ridicule, words that they had heard him use in his appeals to men to see and beli... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:33

THE SIXTH HOUR (ωρας εκτης). That is, noon (Jewish time), as the third hour was nine A.M. (Mark 15:25). See on Matthew 27:45 for discussion. Given also by Luke 23:44. Mark gives the Aramaic transliteration as does B in Matthew 27:45, which see for discussion.FORSAKEN (εγκατελιπες). Some MSS. giv... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:36

TO TAKE HIM DOWN (καθελειν αυτον). Matthew 27:49 has "to save him" (σωσων), which see for discussion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:37

GAVE UP THE GHOST (εξεπνευσεν). Literally, breathed out. See "yielded up his spirit" in Matthew 27:50 for discussion for details. Mark uses this word εξεπνευσεν again in verse Mark 15:39.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:39

THE CENTURION (ο κεντυριων). A Latin word (_centurio_) used also in verse Mark 15:44 and here only in the N.T.WHICH STOOD BY OVER AGAINST HIM (ο παρεστηκως εξ εναντιας αυτου). This description alone in Mark, picturing the centurion "watching Jesus" (Matthew 27:54).SO (ουτως). With the darknes... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:41

FOLLOWED HIM AND MINISTERED UNTO HIM (ηκολουθουν κα διηκονουν αυτω). Two imperfects describing the long Galilean ministry of these three women and many other women in Galilee (Luke 8:1-3) who came up with him (α συναναβασα αυτω) to Jerusalem. This summary description in Mark is paralleled in Matt... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:42

THE PREPARATION (παρασκευη). Mark explains the term as meaning "the day before the sabbath" (προσαββατον), that is our Friday, which began at sunset. See discussion on Matthew 27:57. The Jews had already taken steps to get the bodies removed (John 19:31).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:43

A COUNCILLOR OF HONOURABLE ESTATE (ευσχημων βουλευτης). A senator or member of the Sanhedrin of high standing, rich (Matthew 27:57).LOOKING FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD (ην προσδεχομενος την βασιλειαν του θεου). Periphrastic imperfect. Also Luke 23:51. The very verb used by Luke of Simeon and Anna (Lu... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:44

IF HE WERE ALREADY DEAD (ε ηδη τεθνηκεν). Perfect active indicative with ε after a verb of wondering, a classical idiom, a kind of indirect question just as we say "I wonder if." Usually death by crucifixion was lingering. This item is only in Mark.WHETHER HE HAD BEEN ANY WHILE DEAD (ε παλα απε... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:45

GRANTED THE CORPSE (εδωρησατο το πτωμα). This official information was necessary before the burial. As a matter of fact Pilate was probably glad to turn the body over to Joseph else the body would go to the potter's field. This is the only instance when πτωμα (_cadaver_, corpse) is applied to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:46

WOUND (ενειλησεν). This word is only here in the N.T. As εντυλισσω is only in Matthew 27:59; Luke 23:53; John 20:7. Both verbs occur in the papyri, Plutarch, etc. They both mean to wrap, wind, roll in. The body of Jesus was wound in the linen cloth bought by Joseph and the hundred pounds of spices... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:47

BEHELD (εθεωρουν). Imperfect tense picturing the two Marys "sitting over against the sepulchre" (Matthew 27:61) and watching in silence as the shadows fell upon all their hopes and dreams. Apparently these two remained after the other women who had been beholding from afar the melancholy end (Mar... [ Continue Reading ]

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