Be not amazed

(μη εκθαμβεισθε). The angel noted their amazement (verse Mark 16:5) and urges the cessation of it using this very word.The Nazarene

(τον Ναζαρηνον). Only in Mark, to identify "Jesus" to the women.The crucified one

(τον εσταυρωμενον). This also in Matthew 28:5. This description of his shame has become his crown of glory, for Paul (Galatians 6:14), and for all who look to the Crucified and Risen Christ as Saviour and Lord. He is risen (ηγερθη). First aorist passive indicative, the simple fact. In 1 Corinthians 15:4 Paul uses the perfect passive indicative εγηγερτα to emphasize the permanent state that Jesus remains risen.Behold the place

(ιδε ο τοπος). Here ιδε is used as an interjection with no effect on the case (nominative). In Matthew 28:6 ιδετε is the verb with the accusative. See Robertson, Grammar, p. 302.

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Old Testament