Before them all

(εμπροσθεν παντων). Luke 5:25 follows Mark in this detail. He picked up (αρας) his pallet and walked and went home as Jesus had commanded him to do (Mark 2:11). It was an amazing proceeding and made it unnecessary for Jesus to refute the scribes further on this occasion. The amazement (εξιστασθα, our ecstasy, as Luke 5:26 has it), was too general and great for words. The people could only say: "We never saw it on this fashion" (Hουτως ουδεποτε ειδαμεν). Jesus had acted with the power of God and claimed equality with God and had made good his claim. They all marvelled at theparadoxes

(παραδοξα, Luke 5:26) of that day. For it all they glorified God.

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Old Testament