He goeth up into the mountain

(αναβαινε εις το ορος). So Matthew (Matthew 5:1) and Luke (Luke 6:12), "to pray" Luke adds. Historical present so common in Mark's vivid narrative. Neither Gospel gives the name of the mountain, assuming it as well known, probably not far from the lake.Whom he himself would

(ους ηθελεν αυτος). Emphatic use of αυτος (himself) at end of sentence. Whether by personal imitation or through the disciples Jesus invites or calls to himself (προσκαλειτα, historical middle present indicative) a select number out of the vast crowds by the sea, those whom he really wished to be with him.They went off to him

(απηλθον προς αυτον). Luke states that Jesus "continued all night in prayer, to God." It was a crisis in the ministry of Christ. This select group up in the hills probably respected the long agony of Jesus though they did not comprehend his motive. They formed a sort of spiritual body-guard around the Master during his night vigil in the mountain.

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Old Testament