Mark 4:1

SAT IN THE SEA (καθησθα εν τη θαλασση). In the boat, of course, which was in the sea. He first sat by the beach (Matthew 13:1) and then a very great multitude (οχλος πλειστος) made him enter a boat in which he sat and taught. It was a common experience now to teach the crowds on the beach (Mark 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:2

HE TAUGHT THEM (εδιδασκεν αυτους). Imperfect tense describing it as going on.IN PARABLES (εν παραβολαις). As in Mark 3:23, only here more extended parables. See on Mark 4:13 for discussion concerning Christ's use of parables. Eight are given there, one (the Lamp both in Mark 4:21 and Luke 8:16 ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:7

CHOKED (συνεπνιξαν). Πνιγω means to strangle, throttle. Mark has the compounded form with συν-, squeezed together. Matthew 13:7 has απεπνιξαν,CHOKED OFF .YIELDED NO FRUIT (καρπον ουκ εδωκαν). In Mark alone. Barren in results.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:8

GROWING UP AND INCREASING (αναβαινοντα κα αυξανομενα). In Mark alone. A vivid detail enlarging on the continued growth implied in the imperfect "yielded fruit" (εδιδου καρπον). It kept on yielding as it grew. Fruit is what matters.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:10

WHEN HE WAS ALONE (οτε εγενετο κατα μονας). Only in Mark. Vivid recollection of Peter. Mark has also "they that were about him with the twelve" (ο περ αυτον συν τοις δωδεκα), Matthew and Luke simply "the disciples." They did not want the multitude to see that they did not understand the teaching... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:11

UNTO YOU IS GIVEN THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Hυμιν το μυστηριον δεδοτα της βασιλειας του θεου). See on Matthew 13:11 for word μυστηριον. Here (Mark 4:11; Matthew 13:11; Luke 8:10) alone in the Gospels, but in Paul 21 times and in the Revelation 4 times. It is frequent in Daniel and O.T. A... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:12

LEST HAPLY THEY SHOULD TURN AGAIN, AND IT SHOULD BE FORGIVEN THEM (μηποτε επιστρεψωσιν κα αφεθη αυτοις). Luke does not have these difficult words that seem in Isaiah to have an ironical turn, though Matthew 13:15 does retain them even after using οτ for the first part of the quotation. There is n... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:13

KNOW YE NOT THIS PARABLE? (ουκ οιδατε την παραβολην ταυτεν;). They had asked Jesus his reasons for using parables. This question implies surprise at their dulness though initiated into the secret of God's Kingdom. Incapacity to comprehend this parable of the sower raises doubt about all the other... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:14

THE SOWER SOWETH THE WORD (ο σπειρων τον λογον σπειρε). Not put thus clearly and simply in Matthew 13:19 or Luke 8:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:15

WHERE THE WORD IS SOWN (οπου σπειρετα ο λογος). Explanatory detail only in Mark.SATAN (Σατανας) where Matthew 13:19 hasTHE EVIL ONE (ο πονηρος) and Luke 8:12 THE DEVIL (ο διαβολος).SOWN IN THEM (εσπαρμενον εις αυτους). Within them, not just among them, "in his heart" (Matt.).... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:19

THE LUSTS OF OTHER THINGS (α περ τα λοιπα επιθυμια). All the passions or longings, sensual, worldly, "pleasures of this life" (ηδονων του βιου) as Luke has it (Luke 8:14), the world of sense drowning the world of spirit. The word επιθυμια is not evil in itself. One can yearn (this word) for what... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:20

BEAR FRUIT (καρποφορουσιν). Same word in Matthew 13:23 and Luke 8:15. Mark gives the order from thirty, sixty, to a hundred, while Matthew 13:23 has it reversed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:21

NOT TO BE PUT ON THE STAND? (ουχ ινα επ την λυχνιαν τεθηι;). First aorist passive subjunctive of τιθημ with ινα (purpose). The lamp in the one-room house was a familiar object along with the bushel, the bed, the lampstand. Note article with each. Μητ in the Greek expects the answer no. It is a cu... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:22

SAVE THAT IT SHOULD BE MANIFESTED (εαν μη ινα φανερωθη). Note εαν μη and ινα. Luke 8:17 has itTHAT SHALL NOT BE MADE MANIFEST (ο ου φανερον γενησετα). Here in Mark it is stated that the temporary concealment is for final manifestation and a means to that end. Those who are charged with the secr... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:23

Repeats verse Mark 4:9 with conditional form instead of a relative clause. Perhaps some inattention was noted.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:24

WHAT YE HEAR (τ ακουετε). Luke 8:18 has it "how ye hear" (πως ακουετε). Both are important. Some things should not be heard at all for they besmirch the mind and heart. What is worth hearing should be heard rightly and heeded.WITH WHAT MEASURE (εν ω μετρω). See already in the Sermon on the Moun... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:25

EVEN THAT WHICH HE HATH (κα ο εχε). Luke 8:18 hasEVEN THAT WHICH HE THINKETH THAT HE HATH OR SEEMETH TO HAVE (κα ο δοκε εχειν). It is possible that εχε here has the notion of acquiring. The man who does not acquire soon loses what he thinks that he has. This is one of the paradoxes of Jesus tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:26

AS IF A MAN SHOULD CAST (ως ανθρωπος βαλη). Note ως with the aorist subjunctive without αν. It is a supposable case and so the subjunctive and the aorist tense because a single instance. Blass considers this idiom "quite impossible," but it is the true text here and makes good sense (Robertson, _... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:27

SHOULD SLEEP AND RISE (καθευδη κα εγειρητα). Present subjunctive for continued action. So alsoSPRING UP AND GROW (βλαστα κα μηκυνητα) two late verbs. The process of growth goes on all night and all day (νυκτα κα ημεραν, accusative of time).HE KNOWETH NOT HOW (ως ουκ οιδεν αυτος). Note positio... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:28

OF HERSELF (αυτοματη). Automatically, we say. The secret of growth is in the seed, not in the soil nor in the weather nor in the cultivating. These all help, but the seed spontaneously works according to its own nature. The word αυτοματη is from αυτος (self) and μεμαα desire eagerly from obsolete... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:29

IS RIPE (παραδο, second aorist subjunctive with οταν). Whenever the fruit yields itself or permits.PUTTETH FORTH (αποστελλε). Sends forth the sickle. The word for _apostle_ comes from this verb. See John 4:38: "I sent you forth to reap" (εγο απεστειλα υμας θεριζειν). Sickle (δρεπανον) here by m... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:30

HOW SHALL WE LIKEN? (Πως ομοιωσωμεν?) Deliberative first aorist subjunctive. This question alone in Mark. So with the other question:IN WHAT PARABLE SHALL WE SET IT FORTH? (εν τιν αυτην παραβολη θωμεν;). Deliberative second aorist subjunctive. The graphic question draws the interest of the hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:31

WHEN IT IS SOWN (οταν σπαρη). Second aorist passive subjunctive of σπειρω. Alone in Mark and repeated in verse Mark 4:32.LESS THAN ALL THE SEEDS (μικροτερον παντων των σπερματων). Comparative adjective with the ablative case after it. Hyperbole, of course, but clearly meaning that from a very s... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:32

GROWETH UP (αναβαινε). Matthew 13:32 WHEN IT IS GROWN (οταν αυξηθη).UNDER THE SHADOW THEREOF (υπο την σκιαν αυτου). A different picture from Matthew'sIN THE BRANCHES THEREOF (εν τοις κλαδοις αυτου). But both use κατασκηνοιν, to tent or camp down, make nests in the branches in the shade or hop... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:33

AS THEY WERE ABLE TO HEAR IT (καθως ηδυναντο ακουειν). Only in Mark. Imperfect indicative. See John 16:12 for ου δυνασθε βασταζειν, not able to bear. Jesus used parables now largely, but there was a limit even to the use of them to these men. He gave them the mystery of the kingdom in this veiled... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:34

BUT PRIVATELY TO HIS DISCIPLES HE EXPOUNDED ALL THINGS (κατ' ιδιαν δε τοις ιδιοις μαθηταις επελυεν παντα). To his own (ιδιοις) disciples in private, in distinction from the mass of the people Jesus was in the habit (imperfect tense, επελυεν) ofDISCLOSING , revealing, all things (παντα) in plain... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:35

WHEN EVEN WAS COME (οψιας γενομενης). Genitive absolute. It had been a busy day. The blasphemous accusation, the visit of the mother and brothers and possibly sisters, to take him home, leaving the crowded house for the sea, the first parables by the sea, then more in the house, and now out of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:36

EVEN AS HE WAS (ως ην). Vulgate, _ita ut erat_. Bengel says: _sine apparatu_. That is, they take Jesus along (παραλαμβανουσιν) without previous preparation.OTHER BOATS (αλλα πλοια). This detail also is given only by Mark. Some people had got into boats to get close to Jesus. There was a crowd e... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:37

THERE ARISETH A GREAT STORM OF WIND (γινετα λαιλαπς μεγαλη ανεμου). Mark's vivid historical present again. Matthew 8:24 has εγενετο (arose) and Luke 8:23 κατεβη (came down). Luke has also λαιλαπς, but Matthew σεισμος (tempest), a violent upheaval like an earthquake. Λαιλαπς is an old word for thes... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:38

ASLEEP ON THE CUSHION (επ το προσκεφαλαιον καθευδων). Mark also mentions the cushion or bolster and the stern of the boat (εν τη πρυμνη). Matthew 8:24 notes that Jesus was sleeping (εκαθευδεν), Luke thatHE FELL ASLEEP (αφυπνωσεν, ingressive aorist indicative). He was worn out from the toil of t... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:39

REBUKED THE WIND (επετιμησεν τω ανεμω) as in Matthew 8:26 and Luke 8:24. He spoke to the sea also. All three Gospels speak of the sudden calm (γαληνη) and the rebuke to the disciples for this lack of faith.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:40

WHY ARE YE FEARFUL? (Τ δειλο εστε;). They had the Lord of the wind and the waves with them in the boat. He was still Master even if asleep in the storm.HAVE YE NOT YET FAITH? (Ουπω εχετε πιστιν;). Not yet had they come to feel that Jesus was really Lord of nature. They had accepted his Messiash... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 4:41

THEY FEARED EXCEEDINGLY (εφοβηθησαν φοβον μεγαν). Cognate accusative with the first aorist passive indicative. They feared a great fear. Matthew 8:27 and Luke 8:22 mention that "they marvelled." But there was fear in it also.WHO THEN IS THIS? (Τις αρα ουτος εστιν;). No wonder that they feared i... [ Continue Reading ]

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