There ariseth a great storm of wind

(γινετα λαιλαπς μεγαλη ανεμου). Mark's vivid historical present again. Matthew 8:24 has εγενετο (arose) and Luke 8:23 κατεβη (came down). Luke has also λαιλαπς, but Matthew σεισμος (tempest), a violent upheaval like an earthquake. Λαιλαπς is an old word for these cyclonic gusts or storms. Luke's "came down" shows that the storm fell suddenly from Mount Hermon down into the Jordan Valley and smote the Sea of Galilee violently at its depth of 682 feet below the Mediterranean Sea. The hot air at this depth draws the storm down with sudden power. These sudden storms continue to this day on the Sea of Galilee. The word occurs in the LXX of the whirlwind out of which God answered Job (Job 38:1) and in Jonah 1:4.The waves beat into the boat

(τα κυματα επεβαλλεν εις το πλοιον). Imperfect tense (were beating) vividly picturing the rolling over the sides of the boat "so that the boat was covered with the waves" (Matthew 8:24). Mark has it: "insomuch that the boat was now filling" (ωστε ηδη γεμιζεσθα το πλοιον). Graphic description of the plight of the disciples.

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Old Testament