Matthew 10:1

HIS TWELVE DISCIPLES (τους δωδεκα μαθητας αυτου). First mention of the group of "learners" by Matthew and assumed as already in existence (note the article) as they were (Mark 3:14). They were chosen before the Sermon on the Mount was delivered, but Matthew did not mention it in connection with t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:2

THE NAMES OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES (των δωδεκα αποστολων τα ονοματα). This is the official name (missionaries) used here by Matthew for the first time. The names are given here, but Matthew does not say that they were chosen at this time. Mark (Mark 3:13-19) and Luke (Luke 6:12-16) state that Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:5

THESE TWELVE JESUS SENT FORTH (τουτους τους δωδεκα απεστειλεν ο Ιησους). The word "sent forth" (απεστειλεν) is the same root as "apostles." The same word reappears in Matthew 10:16.WAY OF THE GENTILES (οδον εθνων). Objective genitive, way leading to the Gentiles. This prohibition against going... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:6

THE LOST SHEEP (τα προβατα τα απολωλοτα). The sheep, the lost ones. Mentioned here first by Matthew. Jesus uses it not in blame, but in pity (Bruce). Bengel notes that Jesus says "lost" more frequently than "led astray." "If the Jewish nation could be brought to repentance the new age would dawn... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:7

AS YE GO, PREACH (πορευομενο κηρυσσετε). Present participle and present imperative. They were itinerant preachers on a "preaching tour," heralds (κηρυκες) proclaiming good news. The summary message is the same as that of the Baptist (Matthew 3:2) that first startled the country, "the kingdom of h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:9

GET YOU NO GOLD (μη κτησησθε). It is not, "Do not possess" or "own," but "do not acquire" or "procure" for yourselves, indirect middle aorist subjunctive. Gold, silver, brass (copper) in a descending scale (nor even bronze).IN YOUR PURSES (εις τας ζωνας υμων). In your girdles or belts used for... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:10

NO WALLET (μη πηραν). Better than "scrip." It can be either a travelling or bread bag. Deissmann (_Light from the Ancient East_, pp. 108f.) shows that it can mean the beggar's collecting bag as in an inscription on a monument at Kefr Hanar in Syria: "While Christianity was still young the beggar... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:13

IF THE HOUSE BE WORTHY (εαν η η οικια αξια). Third class condition. What makes a house worthy? "It would naturally be readiness to receive the preachers and their message" (McNeile). Hospitality is one of the noblest graces and preachers receive their share of it. The apostles are not to be burde... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:14

SHAKE OFF THE DUST (εκτιναξατε τον κονιορτον). Shake out, a rather violent gesture of disfavour. The Jews had violent prejudices against the smallest particles of Gentile dust, not as a purveyor of disease of which they did not know, but because it was regarded as the putrescence of death. If the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:15

MORE TOLERABLE (ανεκτοτερον). The papyri use this adjective of a convalescent. People in their vernacular today speak of feeling "tolerable." The Galileans were having more privileges than Sodom and Gomorrah had.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:16

AS SHEEP IN THE MIDST OF WOLVES (ως προβατα εν μεσω λυκων). The presence of wolves on every hand was a fact then and now. Some of these very sheep (Matthew 10:6) at the end will turn out to be wolves and cry for Christ's crucifixion. The situation called for consummate wisdom and courage. The serp... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:17

BEWARE OF MEN (προσεχετε απο των ανθρωπων). Ablative case with απο. Hold your mind (νουν understood) away from. The article with ανθρωπων points back to λυκων (wolves) in Matthew 10:16. TO COUNCILS (εις συνεδρια). The local courts of justice in every Jewish town. The word is an old one from Her... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:19

BE NOT ANXIOUS (μη μεριμνησητε). Ingressive aorist subjunctive in prohibition. "Do not become anxious" (Matthew 6:31). "Self-defence before Jewish kings and heathen governors would be a terrible ordeal for humble Galileans. The injunction applied to cases when preparation of a speech would be imp... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:22

YE SHALL BE HATED (εσεσθε μισουμενο). Periphrastic future passive, linear action. It will go on through the ages.FOR MY NAME'S SAKE (δια το ονομα μου). In the O.T. as in the Targums and the Talmud "the name" as here stands for the person (Matthew 19:29; Acts 5:41; Acts 9:16; Acts 15:26). "He th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:23

TILL THE SON OF MAN BE COME (εως ελθη ο υιος του ανθρωπου). Moffatt puts it "before the Son of man arrives" as if Jesus referred to this special tour of Galilee. Jesus could overtake them. Possibly so, but it is by no means clear. Some refer it to the Transfiguration, others to the coming of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:25

BEELZEBUB (βεεζεβουλ according to B, βεελζεβουλ by most Greek MSS., βεελζεβουβ by many non-Greek MSS.). The etymology of the word is also unknown, whether "lord of a dwelling" with a pun on "the master of the house" (οικοδεσποτην) or "lord of flies" or "lord of dung" or "lord of idolatrous sacrif... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:26

FEAR THEM NOT THEREFORE (μη ουν φοβηθητε αυτους). Repeated in verses Matthew 10:28 and Matthew 10:31 (μη φοβεισθε present middle imperative here in contrast with aorist passive subjunctive in the preceding prohibitions). Note also the accusative case with the aorist passive subjunctive, transitiv... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:28

DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL (κα ψυχην κα σωμα απολεσα εν γεεννη). Note "soul" here of the eternal spirit, not just life in the body. "Destroy" here is not annihilation, but eternal punishment in Gehenna (the real hell) for which see on Matthew 5:22. Bruce thinks that the devil as the tempt... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:29

TWO SPARROWS (δυο στρουθια). Diminutive of στρουθος and means any small bird, sparrows in particular. They are sold today in the markets of Jerusalem and Jaffa. "For a farthing" (ασσαριου) is genitive of price. Only here and Luke 12:6 in the N.T. Diminutive form of the Roman _as_, slightly more t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:32

SHALL CONFESS ME (ομολογησε εν εμο). An Aramaic idiom, not Hebrew, see also Luke 12:8. So also here, "him will I also confess" (ομολογησω κ'αγω εν αυτω). Literally this Aramaic idiom reproduced in the Greek means "confess in me," indicating a sense of unity with Christ and of Christ with the man... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:33

SHALL DENY ME (αρνησητα με). Aorist subjunctive here with οστις, though future indicative ομολογησε above. Note accusative here (case of extension), saying "no" to Christ, complete breach. This is a solemn law, not a mere social breach, this cleavage by Christ of the man who repudiates him, publi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:34

I CAME NOT TO SEND PEACE, BUT A SWORD (ουκ ηλθον βαλειν ειρηνην, αλλα μαχαιραν). A bold and dramatic climax. The aorist infinitive means a sudden hurling of the sword where peace was expected. Christ does bring peace, not as the world gives, but it is not the force of compromise with evil, but of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:35

SET AT VARIANCE (διχασα). Literally divide in two, διχα. Jesus uses Micah 7:1-6 to describe the rottenness of the age as Micah had done. Family ties and social ties cannot stand in the way of loyalty to Christ and righteous living.THE DAUGHTER-IN-LAW (νυμφην). Literally bride, the young wife wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:38

DOTH NOT TAKE HIS CROSS (ου λαμβανε τον σταυρον αυτου). The first mention of cross in Matthew. Criminals were crucified in Jerusalem. It was the custom for the condemned person to carry his own cross as Jesus did till Simon of Cyrene was impressed for that purpose. The Jews had become familiar wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:39

SHALL LOSE IT (απολεσε αυτην). This paradox appears in four forms according to Allen (I) Matthew 10:39 (2) Mark 8:35; Matthew 16:25; Luke 9:24 (3) Luke 17:33 (4) John 12:25. _The Wisdom of Sirach_ (Hebrew text) in 51:26 has: "He that giveth his life findeth her (wisdom)." It is one of the profound... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:41

IN THE NAME OF A PROPHET (εις ονομα προφητου). "Because he is a prophet" (Moffatt). In an Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 37 (A.D. 49) we find ονοματ ελευθερου in virtue of being free-born. "He that receiveth a prophet from no ulterior motive, but simply _qua_ prophet (_ut prophetam_, Jer.) would receive a re... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament