The names of the twelve apostles

(των δωδεκα αποστολων τα ονοματα). This is the official name (missionaries) used here by Matthew for the first time. The names are given here, but Matthew does not say that they were chosen at this time. Mark (Mark 3:13-19) and Luke (Luke 6:12-16) state that Jesus "chose" them, "appointed" them after a night of prayer in the mountain and came down with them and then delivered the Sermon (Luke 6:17). Simon heads the list (πρωτος) in all four lists including Acts 1:13. He came to be first and foremost at the great Pentecost (Matthew 10:2 and Matthew 10:3). The apostles disputed a number of times as to which was greatest. Judas Iscariot comes last each time save that he is absent in Acts, being already dead. Matthew calls him the betrayer (ο παραδιδους). Iscariot is usually explained as "man of Kerioth" down near Edom (Joshua 15:25). Philip comes fifth and James the son of Alphaeus the ninth. Bartholomew is the name for Nathanael. Thaddaeus is Judas the brother of James. Simon Zelotes is also called Simon the Canaanean (Zealous, Hebrew word). This is apparently their first preaching and healing tour without Jesus. He sends them forth by twos (Mark 6:7). Matthew names them in pairs, probably as they were sent out.

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Old Testament