Matthew 12:1

ON THE SABBATH DAY THROUGH THE CORNFIELDS (τοις σαββασιν δια των σποριμων). This paragraph begins exactly like Matthew 11:25 "at that season" (εν εκεινω τω καιρω), a general statement with no clear idea of time. So also Matthew 14:1. The word καιρος means a definite and particular time, but we ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:2

THY DISCIPLES DO (ο μαθητα σου ποιουσιν). These critics are now watching a chance and they jump at this violation of their Pharisaic rules for Sabbath observance. The disciples were plucking the heads of wheat which to the Pharisees was reaping and were rubbing them in their hands (Luke 6:1) whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:3

WHAT DAVID DID (τ εποιησεν Δαυειδ). From the necessity of hunger. The first defence made by Christ appeals to the conduct of David (2 Samuel 21:6). David and those with him did "what was not lawful" (ο ουκ εξον ην) precisely the charge made against the disciples (ο ουκ εξεστιν in verse Matthew 12... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:6

ONE GREATER THAN THE TEMPLE (του ιερου μειζον). Ablative of comparison, του ιερου. The Textus Receptus has μειζων, but the neuter is correct. Literally, "something greater than the temple." What is that? It may still be Christ, or it may be: "The work and His disciples were of more account than t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:7

THE GUILTLESS (τους αναιτιους). So in verse Matthew 12:5. Common in ancient Greek. No real ground against, it means αν + αιτιος. Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6 here as he did in Matthew 9:13. A pertinent prophecy that had escaped the notice of the sticklers for ceremonial literalness and the letter of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:9

LORD OF THE SABBATH (κυριος του σαββατου). This claim that he as the Son of Man is master of the Sabbath and so above the Pharisaic regulations angered them extremely. By the phrase "the Son of man" here Jesus involves the claim of Messiahship, but as the Representative Man he affirms his solidar... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:10

IS IT LAWFUL? (ε εξεστιν). The use of ε in direct questions is really elliptical and seems an imitation of the Hebrew (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 916). See also Matthew 19:3. It is not translated in English.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:12

HOW MUCH THEN IS A MAN (ποσω ουν διαφερε ανθρωπος). Another of Christ's pregnant questions that goes to the roots of things, an _a fortiori_ argument. "By how much does a human being differ from a sheep? That is the question which Christian civilization has not even yet adequately answered" (Bruc... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:13

STRETCH FORTH THY HAND (εκτεινον σου την χειρα). Probably the arm was not withered, though that is not certain. But he did the impossible. "He stretched it forth," straight, I hope, towards the Pharisees who were watching Jesus (Mark 3:2).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:14

TOOK COUNSEL AGAINST HIM (συμβουλιον ελαβον κατ' αυτου). An imitation of the Latin _concilium capere_ and found in papyri of the second century A.D. (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 238.) This incident marks a crisis in the hatred of the Pharisees toward Jesus. They bolted out of the synagogue and... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:15

PERCEIVING (γνους). Second aorist active participle of γινωσκω. Jesus read their very thoughts. They were now plain to any one who saw their angry countenances.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:17

THAT IT MIGHT BE FULFILLED (ινα πληρωθη). The final use of ινα and the sub-final just before (verse Matthew 12:16). The passage quoted is Isaiah 42:1-4 "a very free reproduction of the Hebrew with occasional side glances at the Septuagint" (Bruce), possibly from an Aramaic collection of _Testimon... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:20

A BRUISED REED (καλαμον συντετριμμενον). Perfect passive participle of συντριβω. A crushed reed he will not break. The curious augment in κατεαξε (future active indicative) is to be noted. The copyists kept the augment where it did not belong in this verb (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 1212) even in P... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:23

IS THIS THE SON OF DAVID? (μητ ουτος εστιν ο υιος Δαυειδ?). The form of the question expects the answer "no," but they put it so because of the Pharisaic hostility towards Jesus. The multitudes "were amazed" or "stood out of themselves" (εξισταντο), imperfect tense, vividly portraying the situati... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:24

THE PHARISEES (ο δε Φαρισαιο). Already (Matthew 9:32-34) we have had in Matthew the charge that Jesus is in league with the prince of demons, though the incident may be later than this one. See on Matthew 10:25 about "Beelzebub." The Pharisees feel that the excited condition of the crowds and the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:25

KNOWING THEIR THOUGHTS (ειδως δε τας ενθυμησεις αυτων). What they were revolving in their minds. They now find out what a powerful opponent Jesus is. By parables, by a series of conditions (first class), by sarcasm, by rhetorical question, by merciless logic, he lays bare their hollow insincerity... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:30

HE THAT IS NOT WITH ME (ο μη ων μετ' εμου). With these solemn words Jesus draws the line of cleavage between himself and his enemies then and now. Jesus still has his enemies who hate him and all noble words and deeds because they sting what conscience they have into fury. But we may have our cho... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:31

BUT THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE SPIRIT (η δε του πνευματος βλασφημια). Objective genitive. This is the unpardonable sin. In Matthew 12:32 we have κατα του πνευματος του αγιου to make it plainer. What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? These Pharisees had already committed it. They had attrib... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:34

YE OFFSPRING OF VIPERS (γεννηματα εχιδνων). These same terrible words the Baptist had used to the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to his baptism (Matthew 3:7). But these Pharisees had deliberately made their choice and had taken Satan's side. The charge against Jesus of being in league with Sata... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:36

EVERY IDLE WORD (παν ρημα αργον). An ineffective, useless word (α privative and εργον). A word that does no good and so is pernicious like pernicious anaemia. It is a solemn thought. Jesus who knows our very thoughts (Matthew 12:25) insists that our words reveal our thoughts and form a just basis... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:38

A SIGN FROM THEE (απο σου σημειον). One wonders at the audacity of scribes and Pharisees who accused Jesus of being in league with Satan and thus casting out demons who can turn round and blandly ask for a "sign from thee." As if the other miracles were not signs! "The demand was impudent, hypocr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:39

AN EVIL AND ADULTEROUS GENERATION (γενεα πονηρα κα μοιχαλις). They had broken the marriage tie which bound them to Jehovah (Plummer). See Psalms 73:27; Isaiah 57:3; Isaiah 62:5; Ezekiel 23:27; James 4:4; Revelation 2:20. What is "the sign of Jonah?... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:40

THE WHALE (του κητους). Sea-monster, huge fish. In Jonah 2:1 the LXX has κητε μεγαλω. "Three days and three nights" may simply mean three days in popular speech. Jesus rose "on the third day" (Matthew 16:21), not "on the fourth day." It is just a fuller form for "after three days" (Mark 8:31; Mar... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:41

IN THE JUDGMENT (εν τη κρισε). Except here and in the next verse Matthew has "day of judgment" (ημερα κρισεως) as in Matthew 10:15; Matthew 11:22; Matthew 11:24; Matthew 12:36. Luke (Luke 10:14) has εν τη κρισε.THEY REPENTED AT THE PREACHING OF JONAH (μετενοησον εις το κηρυγμα Ιωνα). Note this u... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:44

INTO MY HOUSE (εις τον οικον μου). So the demon describes the man in whom he had dwelt. "The demon is ironically represented as implying that he left his victim voluntarily, as a man leaves his house to go for a walk" (McNeile). "Worse than the first" is a proverb.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:46

HIS MOTHER AND HIS BROTHERS (η μητηρ κα ο αδελφο αυτου). Brothers of Jesus, younger sons of Joseph and Mary. The charge of the Pharisees that Jesus was in league with Satan was not believed by the disciples of Jesus, but some of his friends did think that he was beside himself (Mark 3:21) because... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:47

Aleph, B, L, Old Syriac, omit this verse as do Westcott and Hort. It is genuine in Mark 3:32; Luke 8:20. It was probably copied into Matthew from Mark or Luke.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:49

BEHOLD MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHERS (ιδου η μητηρ μου κα ο αδελφο μου). A dramatic wave of the hand towards his disciples (learners) accompanied these words. Jesus loved his mother and brothers, but they were not to interfere in his Messianic work. The real spiritual family of Jesus included all who... [ Continue Reading ]

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