Matthew 2:1

NOW WHEN JESUS WAS BORN (του δε Ιησου γεννηθεντος). The fact of the birth of Jesus is stated by the genitive absolute construction (first aorist passive participle of the same verb γενναω used twice already of the birth of Jesus, Matthew 1:16; Matthew 1:20, and used in the genealogy, Matthew 1:2-1... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:2

FOR WE SAW HIS STAR IN THE EAST (ειδομεν γαρ αυτου τον αστερα εν τη ανατολη). This does not mean that they saw the star which was in the east. That would make them go east to follow it instead of west from the east. The words "in the east" are probably to be taken with "we saw" i.e. we were in the... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:3

HE WAS TROUBLED, AND ALL JERUSALEM WITH HIM (εταραχθη κα πασα Ιεροσολυμα μετ' αυτου). Those familiar with the story of Herod the Great in Josephus can well understand the meaning of these words. Herod in his rage over his family rivalries and jealousies put to death the two sons of Mariamne (Aris... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:4

HE INQUIRED OF THEM WHERE THE CHRIST SHOULD BE BORN (επυνθανετο παρ' αυτων που ο Χριστος γεννατα). The prophetic present (γεννατα) is given, the very words of Herod retained by Matthew's report. The imperfect tense (epunthaneto) suggests that Herod inquired repeatedly, probably of one and another... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:5

AND THEY SAID UNTO HIM (ο δε ειπαν αυτω). Whether the ecclesiastics had to search their scriptures or not, they give the answer that is in accord with the common Jewish opinion that the Messiah was to come from Bethlehem and of the seed of David (John 7:42). So they quote Micah 5:2, "a free parap... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:7

THEN HEROD PRIVILY CALLED THE WISE MEN (τοτε Hηρωιδης λαθρα καλεσας τους μαγους). He had manifestly not told members of the Sanhedrin why he was concerned about the Messiah. So he conceals his motives to the Magi. And yet he "learned of them carefully" (εκριβωσεν), "learned exactly" or "accuratel... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:8

SENT THEM TO BETHLEHEM AND SAID (πεμψας αυτους εις Βηθλεεμ ειπεν). Simultaneous aorist participle, "sending said." They were to "search out accurately" (εξετασατε ακριβως) concerning the child. Then "bring me word, that I also may come and worship him." The deceit of Herod seemed plausible enough... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:9

WENT BEFORE THEM (προηγεν αυτους). Imperfect tense, kept on in front of them, not as a guide to the town since they now knew that, but to the place where the child was, the inn according to Luke 2:7. Justin Martyr says that it was in a cave. The stall where the cattle and donkeys stayed may have... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:10

THEY REJOICED WITH EXCEEDING GREAT JOY (εχαρησαν χαραν μεγαλην σφοδρα). Second aorist passive indicative with cognate accusative. Their joy was due to the success of the search.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:11

OPENING THEIR TREASURES (ανοιξαντες τους θησαυρους αυτων). Here "treasures" means "caskets" from the verb (τιθημ), receptacle for valuables. In the ancient writers it meant "treasury" as in 1Macc. 3:29. So a "storehouse" as in Matthew 13:52. Then it means the things laid up in store, treasure in... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:12

WARNED IN A DREAM (χρηματισθεντες κατ' οναρ). The verb means to transact business (χρηματιζω from χρημα, and that from χραομα, to use. Then to consult, to deliberate, to make answer as of magistrates or an oracle, to instruct, to admonish. In the Septuagint and the New Testament it occurs with th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:15

UNTIL THE DEATH OF HEROD (εως της τελευτης Hηρωιδου). The Magi had been warned in a dream not to report to Herod and now Joseph was warned in a dream to take Mary and the child along (μελλε ζητειν του απολεσα gives a vivid picture of the purpose of Herod in these three verbs). In Egypt Joseph was... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:16

SLEW ALL THE MALE CHILDREN THAT WERE IN BETHLEHEM (ανειλεν παντας τους παιδας τους εν Βηθλεεμ). The flight of Joseph was justified, for Herod was violently enraged (εθυμωθη λιαν) that he had been mocked by the Magi, deluded in fact (ενεπαιχθη). Vulgate _illusus esset_. Herod did not know, of cours... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:20

FOR THEY ARE DEAD (τεθνηκασιν). Only Herod had sought to kill the young child, but it is a general statement of a particular fact as is common with people who say: "They say." The idiom may be suggested by Exodus 4:19: "For all are dead that sought thy life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:22

WARNED IN A DREAM (χρηματισθεις κατ' οναρ). He was already afraid to go to Judea because Archelaus was reigning (ruling, not technically king, βασιλευε). In a fret at last before his death Herod had changed his will again and put Archelaus, the worst of his living sons, in the place of Antipas. S... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 2:23

SHOULD BE CALLED A NAZARENE (Ναζωραιος κληθησετα). Matthew says "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets" (δια των προφητων). It is the plural and no single prophecy exists which says that the Messiah was to be called a Nazarene. It may be that this term of contempt (John 1:46;... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament