
(Γεθσημανε). The word means oil-press in the Hebrew, or olive vat. The place (χωριον) was an enclosed plot or estate, "garden," or orchard (κηπος). It is called villa in the Vulgate according to John 18:1. It was beyond the torrent Kedron at the foot of the Mount of Olives about three-fourths of a mile from the eastern walls of Jerusalem. There are now eight old olive trees still standing in this enclosure. One cannot say that they are the very trees near which Jesus had his Agony, but they are very old. "They will remain so long as their already protracted life is spared, the most venerable of their race on the surface of the earth. Their guarded trunks and scanty foliage will always be regarded as the most affecting of the sacred memorials in or about Jerusalem" (Stanley, Sinai and Palestine).Here


(εκε). Jesus clearly pointed to the place where he would pray. Literally "there."

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Old Testament