Matthew 28:1

NOW LATE ON THE SABBATH AS IT BEGAN TO DAWN TOWARD THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK (οψε δε σαββατων, τη επιφωσκουση εις μιαν σαββατων). This careful chronological statement according to Jewish days clearly means that before the sabbath was over, that is before six P.M., this visit by the women was made... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:2

THERE WAS A GREAT EARTHQUAKE (σεισμος εγενετο μεγας). Clearly not the earthquake of Matthew 27:51. The precise time of this earthquake is not given. It was before sunrise on the first day of the week when the women made the next visit. Matthew alone relates the coming of the angel of the Lord who... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:4

THE WATCHERS DID QUAKE (εσεισθησαν ο τηρουντες). And no wonder that they became as dead men and fled before the women came.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:5

UNTO THE WOMEN (ταις γυναιξιν). According to John, Mary Magdalene had left to go and tell Peter and John of the supposed grave robbery (John 20:1). But the other women remained and had the interview with the angel (or men, Luke) about the empty tomb and the Risen Christ.JESUS THE CRUCIFIED (Ιησ... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:6

RISEN FROM THE DEAD (ηγερθη απο των νεκρων).JESUS THE RISEN . This is the heart of the testimony of the angel to the women. It is what Paul wishes Timothy never to forget (2 Timothy 2:8), "Jesus Christ risen from the dead" (Ιησουν Χριστον εγηγερμενον εκ νεκρων). They were afraid and dazzled by t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:7

HE GOETH BEFORE YOU INTO GALILEE (προαγε υμας εις την Γαλιλαιαν). Jesus did appear to the disciples in Galilee on two notable occasions (by the beloved lake, Matthew 28:21, and on the mountain, Matthew 28:16-20). Probably before the women were permitted to tell this story in full to the disciples... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:8

WITH FEAR AND GREAT JOY (μετα φοβου κα χαρας μεγαλης). A touch of life was this as the excited women ran quickly (ταχυ εδραμον) as they had been told "to bring his disciples word" (απαγγειλα τοις μαθηταις αυτου). They had the greatest piece of news that it was possible to have. Mark calls it fear... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:9

JESUS MET THEM (Ιησους υπηντησεν αυταις). Came suddenly face to face (ανταω, υπο) with them as they brooded over the message of the angel and the fact of the empty tomb (associative instrumental, αυταις). Cf. Matthew 8:34; Matthew 24:1-6. Probably the lost portion of Mark's Gospel contained the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:10

FEAR NOT (μη φοβεισθε). They were still afraid for joy and embarrassment. Jesus calms their excitement by the repetition of the charge from the angel for the disciples to meet him in Galilee. There is no special mention of Peter ("and Peter") as in Mark 16:7, but we may be sure that the special m... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:11

TOLD UNTO THE CHIEF PRIESTS (απηγγειλαν τοις αρχιερευσιν). These Roman soldiers had been placed at the disposal of the Sanhedrin. They were probably afraid also to report to Pilate and tell him what had happened. They apparently told a truthful account as far as they understood it. But were the S... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:12

THEY GAVE LARGE MONEY (αργυρια ικανα εδωκαν). The use of the plural for pieces of silver (αργυρια) is common. The papyri have many instances of ικανα for considerable (from ικανω, to reach to, attain to). These pious Sanhedrists knew full well the power of bribes. They make a contract with the Ro... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:13

STOLE HIM AWAY WHILE WE SLEPT (εκλεψαν αυτον ημων κοιμωμενων). Genitive absolute. An Irish bull on the face of it. If they were asleep they would not know anything about it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:14

WE WILL PERSUADE HIM, AND RID YOU OF CARE (ημεις πεισομεν κα υμας αμεριμνους ποιησομεν). They would try money also on Pilate and assume all responsibility. Hence the soldiers have no anxiety (αμεριμνους, alpha privative and μεριμναω, to be anxious). They lived up to their bargain and this lie liv... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:17

BUT SOME DOUBTED (ο δε εδιστασαν). From δις (in two, divided in mind). Cf. Matthew 14:31. The reference is not to the eleven who were all now convinced after some doubt, but to the others present. Paul states that over five hundred were present, most of whom were still alive when he wrote (1 Corin... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:18

ALL AUTHORITY (πασα εξουσια). Jesus came close to them (προσελθων) and made this astounding claim. He spoke as one already in heaven with a world-wide outlook and with the resources of heaven at his command. His authority or power in his earthly life had been great (Matthew 7:29; Matthew 11:27; M... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:19

ALL THE NATIONS (παντα τα εθνη). Not just the Jews scattered among the Gentiles, but the Gentiles themselves in every land. And not by making Jews of them, though this point is not made plain here. It will take time for the disciples to grow into this _Magna Charta_ of the missionary propaganda. B... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 28:20

TEACHING THEM (διδασκοντες αυτους). Christians have been slow to realize the full value of what we now call religious education. The work of teaching belongs to the home, to the church (sermon, Sunday school, young people's work, prayer-meeting, study classes, mission classes), to the school (not... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament