Philemon 1:1

A PRISONER OF CHRIST JESUS (δεσμιος Χριστου Ιησου). As verse Philemon 1:9 and in Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 4:1. Old adjective from δεσμος (bond, δεω, to bind). Apparently used here on purpose rather than αποστολος as more effective with Philemon and a more touching occasion of pride as Paul writes... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:2

TO APPHIA OUR SISTER (Απφια τη αδελφη). Dative case in address. A common name in Phrygian inscriptions and apparently the wife of Philemon. "Sister" is in the Christian sense.TO ARCHIPPUS (Αρχιππω). Dative case in address. It is uncertain whether he is the son of Philemon or not. Apparently he... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:4

ALWAYS (παντοτε). Goes with ευχαριστω though so far away in the Greek sentence.MAKING MENTION OF THEE (μνειαν σου ποιουμενος). See 1 Thessalonians 1:2 for this phrase.IN (επ). Upon the occasion of.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:5

HEARING (ακουων). Through Epaphras (Colossians 1:7; Colossians 1:8; Colossians 4:12), possibly from Onesimus also.AND TOWARDS ALL THE SAINTS (κα εις παντας τους αγιους). He spoke of "thy love and faith" (σου την αγαπην κα την πιστιν) "towards the Lord Jesus" (προς τον Κυριον Ιησουν) and by a so... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:6

THAT (οπως). Rather than the more common final particle ινα. Connected with μνειαν ποιουμενος.THE FELLOWSHIP OF THY FAITH (η κοινωνια της πιστεως σου). Partnership like Philippians 1:5 in (objective genitive, πιστεως).EFFECTUAL (ενεργης). Common adjective, like ενεργος (at work), in N.T. only... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:7

I HAD (εσχον). Ingressive second aorist active indicative of εχω, not ειχομην as the Textus Receptus has it. Paul refers to his joy when he first heard the good news about Philemon's activity (verse Philemon 1:5).THE HEARTS (τα σπλαγχνα). See Philippians 1:8 for this use of this word for the no... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:8

THOUGH I HAVE (εχων). Concessive participle (present active).THAT WHICH IS BEFITTING (το ανηκον). Neuter singular accusative of the articular participle (present active) of ανηκω, to come up to requirements and so to be befitting. For idea in ανηκω, see Colossians 3:18; Ephesians 5:4. This idio... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:9

PAUL THE AGED (Παυλος πρεσβυτης). Paul is called νεανιας (a young man) at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:58). He was perhaps a bit under sixty now. Hippocrates calls a man πρεσβυτης from 49 to 56 and γερων after that. The papyri use πρεσβυτης for old man as in Luke 1:18 of Zacharias and in Titus 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:10

FOR MY CHILD (περ του εμου τεκνου). Tender and affectionate reference to Onesimus as his spiritual child.WHOM I HAVE BEGOTTEN IN MY BONDS (ον εγεννησα εν τοις δεσμοις). First aorist active indicative of γενναω, to beget. See 1 Corinthians 4:15 for this figurative sense. Paul is evidently proud... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:11

ONESIMUS (Ονησιμον). A common name among slaves and made like Chresimus, Chrestus. The word is from ονησις (profit) and that from ονινημ, to profit, to help.WHO WAS AFORETIME UNPROFITABLE TO THEE (τον ποτε σο αχρηστον). "The once to thee useless one." Play (pun) on the meaning of the name Onesi... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:12

I HAVE SENT BACK (ανεπεμψα). Epistolary aorist. As it will look when Onesimus arrives.IN HIS OWN PERSON (αυτον). "Himself," intensive pronoun with ον (whom).MY VERY HEART (τα εμα σπλαγχνα). As in verse Philemon 1:7. He almost loves Onesimus as his own son.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:13

I WOULD FAIN HAVE KEPT (εβουλομην κατεχειν). Imperfect middle and present infinitive, "I was wishing to hold back." Again from the standpoint of the arrival of Onesimus.IN THY BEHALF (υπερ σου). So "in thy stead," "in place of thee."HE MIGHT MINISTER (διακονη). Present active subjunctive (ret... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:14

WITHOUT THY MIND (χωρις της σης γνωμης). Judgment, purpose (1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 7:25). Ablative case with χωρις (apart from).I WOULD DO NOTHING (ουδεν ηθελησα ποιησα). First aorist active indicative of θελω, I decided, I wished, decision reached (cf. εβουλομην in verse Philemon 1:... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:15

PERHAPS (ταχα). Old adverb, in N.T. only here and Romans 5:7.THAT THOU SHOULDST HAVE HIM (ινα αυτον απεχηις). Final clause with ινα and present active subjunctive of απεχω, to have back, "that thou might keep on having him back."FOR EVER (αιωνιον). "Eternal," here and hereafter. Surely a nobl... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:16

NO LONGER AS A SERVANT (ουκετ ως δουλον). "No longer as a slave." So it has to be here. So it should be always. Paul sends Onesimus, the converted runaway slave, back to his legal master, but shows that he expects Philemon the Christian to treat Onesimus as a brother in Christ, not as a slave.BUT... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:17

IF THEN THOU COUNTEST ME A PARTNER (ε ουν με εχεις κοινωνον). As I assume that you do, condition of the first class.RECEIVE HIM AS MYSELF (προσλαβου αυτον ως εμε). "Take him to thyself (indirect second aorist middle of προσλαμβανω as in Acts 18:26) as myself." Surpassing delicacy and consummate... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:18

BUT IF HE HATH WRONGED THEE AT ALL (ε δε τ ηδικησε σε). Condition of the first class, assumed to be true. Onesimus did wrong (ηδικησε, first aorist active indicative of αδικηο, to wrong, without justice). He had probably robbed Philemon before he ran away.OR OWETH (η οφειλε). Delicate way of pu... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:19

WRITE (εγραψα). Epistolary aorist.WITH MINE HAND (τη εμη χειρ). Instrumental case and a note of hand that can be collected. See 2 Thessalonians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 16:21; Colossians 4:18.I WILL REPAY IT (εγω αποτισω). Future active indicative of αποτινω (αποτιω) to pay back, to pay off. The m... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:20

LET ME HAVE JOY OF THEE (εγω σου οναιμην). Second aorist middle optative of ονινημ, old verb, only here in N.T. Optative the regular construction for a wish about the future. "May I get profit from thee in the Lord."REFRESH MY HEART IN CHRIST (αναπαυσον μου τα σπλαγχνα εν Χριστω). See verse Phi... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:21

OBEDIENCE (υπακοη). "Compliance" seems less harsh to us in the light of Philemon 1:9.I WRITE (εγραψα). Epistolary aorist again.EVEN BEYOND WHAT I SAY (κα υπερ α λεγω). That can only mean that Paul "knows" (ειδως, second perfect active participle of οιδα) that Philemon will set Onesimus free.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:22

BUT WITHAL (αμα δε). Along with your kindly reception of Onesimus. On αμα, see Acts 24:26; Acts 27:40.A LODGING (ξενιαν). Old word from ξενος, stranger. In N.T. only here and Acts 28:23.I SHALL BE GRANTED UNTO YOU (χαρισθησομα υμιν). First future passive of χαριζομα. Used either as a favour a... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:23

EPAPHRAS (Επαφρας). The Colossian preacher who apparently started the work in Colossae, Hierapolis, and Laodicea, and who had come to Rome to enlist Paul's help in the fight against incipient Gnosticism in the Lycus Valley.MY FELLOW-PRISONER (ο συναιχμαλωτος μου). See on Romans 16:7 for this wo... [ Continue Reading ]

Philemon 1:24

The other "co-workers" (συνεργο) here (Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke) are all named in detail in Colossians 4:10-14 with kindly words.... [ Continue Reading ]

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