What then?

(τ γαρ?). Sharp problem put up to Paul by the conduct of the Judaizers.Only that

(πλην οτ). Same idiom in Acts 20:23. Πλην is adverb πλεον (more besides). As a preposition πλην means "except." This essential thing Paul sees in spite of all their envy and selfishness that Christ is preached.Whether in pretence

(ειτε προφασε). Either from προφαινω, to shew forth, or προφημ, to speak forth, the ostensible presentation often untrue. See Acts 27:30. Paul sees clearly through the pious pretence of these Judaizers and rejoices that people get some knowledge of Christ. Some Christ is better than no Christ.Yea, and will rejoice

(αλλα κα χαρησομα). Note affirmative, not adversative, use of αλλα. Volitive use of the future (second future passive) indicative (χαρησομα) of χαιρω. Paul is determined to rejoice in spite of the efforts of the Judaizers to prod him to anger.

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Old Testament