That ye may be

(ινα γενησθε). Rather, "that ye may become" (second aorist middle subjunctive of γινομα, to become).Blameless

(αμεμπτο). Free from censure (μεμφομα, to blame).Harmless

(ακεραιο). Unmixed, unadulterated as in Romans 16:19.Without blemish

(αμωμα). Without spot, "unblemished in reputation and in reality" (Vincent).In the midst of

(μεσον). Preposition with genitive.Crooked

(σκολιας). Old word, curved as opposed to ορθος, straight. See on Acts 2:40.Perverse

(διεστραμμενης). Perfect passive participle of διαστρεφω, to distort, to twist, to turn to one side (δια, in two). Old word. See Matthew 17:17; Acts 13:10.

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Old Testament