He longed after

(επιποθων ην). Periphrastic imperfect of επιποθεω (Philippians 1:8), "he was yearning after."You all

(παντας υμας). So again (Philippians 1:5; Philippians 1:7; Philippians 1:8).Was sore troubled

(αδημονων). Periphrastic imperfect again (repeat ην) of the old word αδημονεω either from an unused αδημων (α privative and δημος, away from home, homesick) or from αδημων, αδησα (discontent, bewilderment). The Vocabulary of Moulton and Milligan gives one papyrus example in line with the latter etymology. See already Matthew 26:37; Mark 14:33. In any case the distress of Epaphroditus was greatly increased when he knew that the Philippians (the home-folks) had learned of his illness, "because ye had heard that he was sick" (διοτ ηκουσατε οτ ησθενησε), "because ye heard that he fell sick" (ingressive aorist).He was sick

(ησθενησε). Ingressive aorist, "he did become sick."Nigh unto death

(παραπλησιον θανατω). Only example in N.T. of this compound adverbial preposition (from the adjective παραπλησιος) with the dative case.

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Old Testament