
(διο). Because of which act of voluntary and supreme humility.Highly exalted

(υπερυψωσε). First aorist indicative of υπερυψοω (υπερ and υψος) late and rare word (LXX and Byzantine). Here only in N.T. Because of Christ's voluntary humiliation God lifted him above or beyond (υπερ) the state of glory which he enjoyed before the Incarnation. What glory did Christ have after the Ascension that he did not have before in heaven? What did he take back to heaven that he did not bring? Clearly his humanity. He returned to heaven the Son of Man as well as the Son of God.The name which is above every name

(το ονομα το υπερ παν ονομα). What name is that? Apparently and naturally the nameJesus

, which is given in verse Philippians 2:10. Some think it is "Jesus Christ," some "Lord," some the ineffable name Jehovah, some merely dignity and honour.

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Old Testament