Philippians 4:1

LONGED FOR (επιποθητο). Late and rare verbal adjective (here alone in N.T.) from επιποθεω.SO STAND FAST (ουτο στηκετε). Present active imperative of στηκω (late present from perfect εστηκα from ιστημ). See Philippians 1:27. They were tempted to defection. Standing firm is difficult when a panic... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:2

EUODIA (Ευοδιαν). This name means literally "prosperous journey" (ευ, οδος). It occurs in the inscriptions.SYNTYCHE (Συντυχην). From συντυγχανω, to meet with and so "pleasant acquaintance" or "good-luck." Occurs in the inscriptions and identified with Lydia by some. Klopper suggests that each o... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:3

TRUE YOKEFELLOW (γνησιε συνζυγε). All sorts of suggestions have been made here, one that it was Lydia who is termed Paul's wife by the word συνζυγε. Unfortunately for that view γνησιε is masculine vocative singular. Some have suggested it as a proper name though it is not found in the inscription... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:4

AGAIN I WILL SAY (παλιν ερω). Future active indicative of defective verb ειπον.REJOICE (χαιρετε). Present active imperative as in Philippians 3:1, repeated for emphasis in spite of discouragements. Not in the sense of "Farewell" here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:5

YOUR FORBEARANCE (το επιεικες υμων). "Your gentleness," "your sweet reasonableness" (Matthew Arnold), "your moderation." Old adjective (επι, εικος) as in James 3:17; 1 Timothy 3:3. Article and neuter singular here= η επιεικεια (Acts 24:4; 2 Corinthians 10:1) like to χρηστον in Romans 2:4.THE LORD... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:6

IN NOTHING BE ANXIOUS (μηδεν μεριμνατε). Present imperative in prohibition, "stop being anxious." See μη μεριμνατε in Matthew 6:31.WITH THANKSGIVING (μετα ευχαριστιας). In all the forms of prayer here named thanksgiving should appear.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:7

THE PEACE OF GOD (η ειρηνη του θεου). See in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 "the Lord of peace" (ο Κυριος της ειρηνης) and verse Philippians 4:9 for "the God of peace" (ο θεος της ειρηνης).SHALL GUARD (φρουρησε). "Shall garrison," future active indicative of φρουρεω, old verb from φρουρος (προ-οροσ, προο... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:8

FINALLY (το λοιπον). See on Philippians 3:1.WHATSOEVER (οσα). Thus he introduces six adjectives picturing Christian ideals, old-fashioned and familiar words not necessarily from any philosophic list of moral excellencies Stoic or otherwise. Without these no ideals can exist. They are pertinent... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:9

IN ME (εν εμο). Paul dares to point to his life in Philippi as an illustration of this high thinking. The preacher is the interpreter of the spiritual life and should be an example of it.THESE THINGS DO (ταυτα πρασσετε). Practise as a habit (πρασσω, not ποιεω).... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:10

I REJOICE (εχαρην). Second aorist passive indicative of χαιρω, a timeless aorist. I did rejoice, I do rejoice.GREATLY (μεγαλως). Old adverb, only here in N.T., from μεγας (great).NOW AT LENGTH (ηδη ποτε). In N.T. only here and Romans 1:10. Ποτε is indefinite past (interval), ηδη immediate pre... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:11

IN RESPECT OF WANT (καθ' υστερησιν). Late and rare word from υστερεω, to be behind or too late, only here and Mark 12:44 in N.T.I HAVE LEARNED (εμαθον). Simply, "I did learn" (constative second aorist active indicative of μανθανω, to learn, looking at his long experience as a unit.IN WHATSOEVER... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:12

I KNOW HOW (οιδα). Followed by the infinitive οιδα has this sense. So here twice, with ταπεινουσθα, to be humbled, from ταπεινος, and with περισσευειν, to overflow.HAVE I LEARNED THE SECRET (μεμυημα). Perfect passive indicative of μυεω, old and common word from μυω, to close (Latin _mutus_), an... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:13

I CAN DO ALL THINGS (παντα ισχυω). Old verb to have strength (ισχυς).IN HIM THAT STRENGTHENETH ME (εν τω ενδυναμουντ με). Late and rare verb (in LXX) from adjective ενδυναμος (εν, δυναμις). Causative verb to empower, to pour power into one. See same phrase in 1 Timothy 1:12 τω ενδυναμωσαντ με ... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:14

THAT YE HAD FELLOWSHIP (συνκοινωνησαντες). First aorist active participle (simultaneous action with the principal verb καλως εποιησατε). "Ye did well contributing for my affliction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:15

IN THE BEGINNING OF THE GOSPEL (εν αρχη του ευαγγελιου). After he had wrought in Philippi (2 Thessalonians 2:13).HAD FELLOWSHIP (εκοινωνησεν). "Had partnership" (first aorist active indicative).IN THE MATTER (εις λογον). "As to an account." No other church opened an account with Paul.OF GIVIN... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:16

ONCE AND AGAIN (κα απαξ κα δις). "Both once and twice" they did it "even in Thessalonica" and so before Paul went to Corinth." See the same Greek idiom in 1 Thessalonians 2:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:17

I SEEK FOR (επιζητω). Old verb, in N.T. only here and Romans 11:7 (linear present, I am seeking for). Lightfoot calls it "the Apostle's nervous anxiety to clear himself" of wanting more gifts. Why not say his delicate courtesy?... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:18

I HAVE ALL THINGS (απεχω παντα). As a receipt in full in appreciation of their kindness. Απεχω is common in the papyri and the ostraca for "receipt in full" (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 110). See Matthew 6:2; Matthew 6:5; Matthew 6:16.I AM FILLED (πεπληρωμα). Perfect passive indicative of πλ... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:19

ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY (κατα το πλουτος αυτου εν δοξη). God has an abundant treasure in glory and will repay the Philippians for what they have done for Paul. The spiritual reward is what spurs men into the ministry and holds them to it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 4:21

THEY THAT ARE OF CAESAR'S HOUSEHOLD (ο εκ της Καισαρος οικιας). Not members of the imperial family, but some connected with the imperial establishment. The term can apply to slaves and freedmen and even to the highest functionaries. Christianity has begun to undermine the throne of the Caesars. S... [ Continue Reading ]

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