And he had

(κα εχων). "And having," present active participle of εχω, loose use of the participle (almost like ειχε, imperfect) and not in agreement with αυτου, genitive case. This is a common idiom in the book; a Hebraism, Charles calls it.In his right hand

(εν τη δεξια χειρ). For safe keeping as in John 10:28.Seven stars

(αστερας επτα). Symbols of the seven churches (verse Revelation 1:20), seven planets rather than Pleiades or any other constellation like the bear.Proceeded

(εκπορευομενη). Present middle participle of εκπορευομα, old compound (Matthew 3:5) used loosely again like εχων.A sharp two-edged sword

(ρομφαια διστομος οξεια). "A sword two-mouthed sharp." Ρομφαια (as distinct from μαχαιρα) is a long sword, properly a Thracian javelin, in N.T. only Luke 2:35; Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12; Hebrews 4:12. See στομα used with μαχαιρης in Luke 21:24 (by the mouth of the sword).Countenance

(οψις). Old word (from οπτω), in N.T. only here, John 7:24; John 11:44.As the sun shineth

(ως ο ηλιος φαινε). Brachylogy, "as the sun when it shines." For φαινε see John 1:5.

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Old Testament