And I was dead

(κα εγενομην νεκρος). "And I be came dead" (aorist middle participle of γινομα as in Revelation 1:9; Revelation 1:10, definite reference to the Cross).I am alive

(ζων ειμ). Periphrastic present active indicative, "I am living," as the words ο ζων just used mean.Forevermore

(εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων). "Unto the ages of the ages," a stronger expression of eternity even than in Revelation 1:6.The keys

(τας κλεις). One of the forms for the accusative plural along with κλειδας, the usual one (Matthew 16:19).Of death and of Hades

(του θανατου κα του αιδου). Conceived as in Matthew 16:18 as a prison house or walled city. The keys are the symbol of authority, as we speak of honouring one by giving him the keys of the city. Hades here means the unseen world to which death is the portal. Jesus has the keys because of his victory over death. See this same graphic picture in Revelation 6:8; Revelation 20:13. For the key of David see Revelation 3:7, for the key of the abyss see Revelation 9:1; Revelation 20:1.

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Old Testament