
(ουν). In view of Christ's words about himself in verse Revelation 1:18 and the command in verse Revelation 1:11.Which thou sawest

(α ειδες). The vision of the Glorified Christ in verses Revelation 1:13-18.The things which are

(α εισιν). Plural verb (individualising the items) though α is neuter plural, certainly the messages to the seven churches (Revelation 1:20-3) in relation to the world in general, possibly also partly epexegetic or explanatory of α ειδες.The things which shall come to pass hereafter

(α μελλε γινεσθα μετα ταυτα). Present middle infinitive with μελλε, though both aorist and future are also used. Singular verb here (μελλε) blending in a single view the future. In a rough outline this part begins in 4:1 and goes to end of chapter 22, though the future appears also in Chapter s 2 and 3 and the present occurs in 4 to 22 and the elements in the vision of Christ (Revelation 1:13-18) reappear repeatedly.

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Old Testament