Again speaking and saying

(παλιν λαλουσαν κα λεγουσαν). Present active predicate participles feminine accusative singular agreeing with ην (object of ηκουσα), not with φωνη (nominative) as most of the cursives have it (λαλουσα κα λεγουσα). Ordinarily it would be ελαλε κα ελεγεν. See Revelation 4:1 for like idiom. This is the voice mentioned in verse Revelation 10:4. No great distinction is to be made here between λαλεω and λεγω.Go, take

(Hυπαγε λαβε). Present active imperative of υπαγω and second aorist active imperative of λαμβανω. The use of υπαγε (exclamation like ιδε) is common in N.T. (Matthew 5:24; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 19:21; John 4:16; John 9:7). Charles calls it a Hebraism (Revelation 16:1). Note the repeated article here (το) referring to the open book in the hand of the angel (verse Revelation 10:2), only here βιβλιον is used, not the diminutive of βιβλαριδιον of verses Revelation 10:2; Revelation 10:9; Revelation 10:10.

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Old Testament